Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Apple iPad - my (re)view on it

Here's my experience with the Apple iPad ( From now on I'll call it Panel since iPad reminds me of a feminine product.). Be warned I don't hold my punches nor do I sugar coat it, so here we go.

Okay, so it looks great, seems so pretty in the store. And then you get it home. If you're like us and have Windows XP 64 bit, you're screwed unless you have a spare system or laptop with 32 bit windows. Sorry to be so blunt it's the truth. After nearly 3 hours of trying all the different work around, hacks and ideas running around the net Strider is reduced to loading up his laptop so we can get it to work.

Mind you, he even called Apple to see if they had any hints or ideas on what to do. You know what they told him? "Upgrade to Windows Vista 64 bit" Umm..what? Now that's funny, and I'm serious, Strider actually laughed out loud and said that's something you don't put in the same sentence "upgrade: and "Windows Vista".

So, anyway, he got his lap top connected to the wireless network we have here at the house so he can get iTunes and the mobile whosie-whatsit to work. And then came the fun of loading the books, photos and such, then to see just how customizable the Panel is.

Once we got everything moving along on the laptop it went smoothly, very smoothly. After transferring some of my pics onto the Panel I was able to set up my home screen and the lock screen. So far it seems really nice, I love how I can dim the screen when my eyes are especially sensitive to lights, which is a big plus in my book.

The books read really nicely as well. So far I'm pretty happy and impressed with the Panel. I can check my email, browse pictures, read a book, listen to music, browse the web, look at a map. So now when I need a recipe I can pull it up and have the Panel right there with me. The screen turns when you turn the Panel, as in full 360 degrees.

I like my new shiny.

< /rant >


Inuit Dog said...

Todd's cell phone is just like that, but much smaller screen. He has a Hero. It comes in handy when we're at Walmart and want to find out the show times for a certain movie.

Regarding upgrading to Windows Vista: I had to roll my eyes at that one! I "upgraded" to it once. It's great until you actually start to run it through its paces. My hard drive spaced being used up quickly and having the computer run choppy really irritated me and I got rid of it. I went back to Windows XP for awhile, but when Todd upgraded my motherboard and RAM, he also upgraded my OS to Windows 7. I honestly have NO complaints about Windows 7. It's great!

Raven said...

I can't use a small screen like the one of the Hero to read. I use the iPad for books, manga, anime, recipe searching while cooking and stuff.

I know what you mean about Vista. lol Jake and I have Windows XP 64 bit and we love it.