Here's an update on the boy that walked out of the school yesterday.
According to Mrs Whitley, the principal of James Hurst Elementary School, no child left the school yesterday without permission.
Mrs Whitley also went off on a friend for inquiring about what happened yesterday. She had no right to become belligerent with her, my friend was asking as a concerned parent, which is her right. Granted, talking to Whitley about it wasn't part of her job description as president of the PTA, but as a parent of students in that school it's her right to know!
Can someone explain to me why I saw the child, who is only 6 years old, running down the sidewalk at 2:57 pm? According to the child's mother he walked into the door of the house as she was leaving to pick him up.
By the time I was in the cafeteria for about 5 minutes Mrs Whinbrough, the vice principal, was going into the boys bathroom asking if any boys were in there, then she came out into the cafeteria and asked several of us parents if we had seen a little first grader boy. I knew who she was talking about, he was wearing a dark plaid shirt, blue jeans, was carrying his dark blue/black jacket and his book bag.
I want to know why the police weren't called and why the school wasn't locked down until he was found.
It seems to me that this whole thing is being swept under the carpet, which is wrong, completely wrong.
Can they really get away with this?
Yet another reason I seriously dislike the school Bug's in. I don't feel as though she's safe there. Strider doesn't agree though, he said that Bug won't leave the school so there's nothing to worry about. How can he really see it that way? Maybe I'm just too protective over my child.
< /RANT >
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Update on runaway 1st grader
Posted by Raven at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The security of our children
How safe is your child in school? I can say that I'm not so sure Bug's school is safe anymore..I had my doubts to begin with as far as the bullying and such, but today was the icing on the proverbial cake.
A kid in her class got up, grabbed his coat and backpack, told the teacher he had to go to the bathroom and left the school. Yup, he actually left the school. When I was pulling up I saw him running down the sidewalk. It took the school several minutes to respond and they never called the police. They apparently called the parents, but they should have called the police as soon as they noticed he was gone.
I'm not sure how Strider will feel about this, I need to talk to him about it. But I'm thinking even more seriously about home schooling Bug from now on. This has me more then worried.
I spoke to the PTA head and told her that it's her responsibility to let all the parents in the school know what happened after she gets all the details. I'm not even sure if she will considering she has yet to do anything about the bullying, she hasn't even approached the parents or even held a meeting yet.
This school seriously needs help before something even more horrible and irreversible happens.
I plan on finding out more information on what happened.
< /RANT >
Posted by Raven at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 03, 2013
I know I've complained about this before, so here's yet another pointless rant about how much I detest people in this world.
What's wrong with people today? Don't ever think of anyone but themselves? I seriously doubt it. So far people seem to enjoy calling me and complaining about their lives and their friends they ever ask how I'm doing? Rarely. If people can't handle their own lives then maybe they need to learn how to handle it. Yes, I'm rather harsh about it.
I've had to deal with everything in my life on my own. When I was diagnosed with cancer, who was there for me? No one, even my mom complained about how long the procedure was taking. When I was raped, who was there for me? No one, my mom called me a liar because she liked the guy. No matter what my life has thrown at me I've handled it on my own. Even after I got married I've handled most things on my own...why? Because I am able to.
Some part of me does feel sorry for those people in this world that can't handle things on their own, or the people who can't live alone or even be without a relationship. There are times in our lives when we have to handle things on our own, if you can't handle it then maybe it's time to start learning how.
Maybe this is why I'm able to handle being a military wife...the ability to handle just about anything on my own. Dealing with it all has given me a rather jaded perspective on the world, not sure if that's a bad thing or not. I suppose that having a jaded perspective could be detrimental to your ability to survive in the world, but it seems to have given me an upper hand in some respects.
The world today is filled with selfish, emotionally stunted, socially inept, double talking people. Sure I could have used more colorful words but I'm not in the mood to write colorfully today.
Even those that claim to be family seem to enjoy complaining about shit but not listening to anyone who needs to do the same.
I've just had it with people in general I guess.
< /RANT >
Posted by Raven at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 02, 2013 low can you go?
The state of the educational system today is so very sad. They lowered the standardized testing scores so that they can be passed with half the work. Why bother even studying anymore? The kids of today are so lazy when it comes to education and, well, everything else.
Kids like Bug are seen as "gifted and talented" these days. Back when I was in school that was how you were supposed to be. Either you studied your ass off or you failed the class, period, no dumbing down the tests or lowering the grade standards for passing.
That's one of the things that seriously disappoints and disgusts me about today's educational system. They seem to cater to those who are too lazy to do the work, or those who haven't learned the lessons taught. I've seen this first hand in Angie's school. There are so many children who don't even bother to learn, then I see their parents and they're the same way. I'm not sure if it's like that anywhere else, but down here in Hampton Roads it horribly true. With the way the school systems are it makes me glad that I still home school Angie even though she goes to public school.
Is public school really just for socialization these days? The wrong kind of socialization at that. The kids are so rude, they don;t care about anyone, they're rude, mean and down right bully's. It's sad, it really is.
What can we do to ensure our children's education? Take matters into our own hands. You think I'm kidding? Get up off your ass and start home schooling your kids. It's not that difficult, you just need the right resources and a little know how and you're well on your way. If you need help or have questions...ask for help, there are so many of us out there that home school our kids that you'll undoubtedly be able to find someone who's able, and willing, to help you.
< /RANT >
Posted by Raven at 8:29 PM 0 comments