Wednesday, January 02, 2013 low can you go?

The state of the educational system today is so very sad. They lowered the standardized testing scores so that they can be passed with half the work.  Why bother even studying anymore? The kids of today are so lazy when it comes to education and, well, everything else.

Kids like Bug are seen as "gifted and talented" these days.  Back when I was in school that was how you were supposed to be.  Either you studied your ass off or you failed the class, period, no dumbing down the tests or lowering the grade standards for passing.

That's one of the things that seriously disappoints and disgusts me about today's educational system. They seem to cater to those who are too lazy to do the work, or those who haven't learned the lessons taught. I've seen this first hand in Angie's school. There are so many children who don't even bother to learn, then I see their parents and they're the same way. I'm not sure if it's like that anywhere else, but down here in Hampton Roads it horribly true. With the way the school systems are it makes me glad that I still home school Angie even though she goes to public school.

Is public school really just for socialization these days?  The wrong kind of socialization at that. The kids are so rude, they don;t care about anyone, they're rude, mean and down right bully's. It's sad, it really is.

What can we do to ensure our children's education?  Take matters into our own hands. You think I'm kidding?  Get up off your ass and start home schooling your kids. It's not that difficult, you just need the right resources and a little know how and you're well on your way. If you need help or have questions...ask for help, there are so many of us out there that home school our kids that you'll undoubtedly be able to find someone who's able, and willing, to help you.

< /RANT >