Thursday, January 03, 2013


I know I've complained about this before, so here's yet another pointless rant about how much I detest people in this world.

What's wrong with people today? Don't ever think of anyone but themselves? I seriously doubt it. So far people seem to enjoy calling me and complaining about their lives and their friends they ever ask how I'm doing? Rarely. If people can't handle their own lives then maybe they need to learn how to handle it.  Yes, I'm rather harsh about it.  

I've had to deal with everything in my life on my own. When I was diagnosed with cancer, who was there for me? No one, even my mom complained about how long the procedure was taking. When I was raped, who was there for me? No one, my mom called me a liar because she liked the guy. No matter what my life has thrown at me I've handled it on my own. Even after I got married I've handled most things on my own...why?  Because I am able to.

Some part of me does feel sorry for those people in this world that can't handle things on their own, or the people who can't live alone or even be without a relationship. There are times in our lives when we have to handle things on our own, if you can't handle it then maybe it's time to start learning how.

Maybe this is why I'm able to handle being a military wife...the ability to handle just about anything on my own. Dealing with it all has given me a rather jaded perspective on the world, not sure if that's a bad thing or not. I suppose that having a jaded perspective could be detrimental to your ability to survive in the world, but it seems to have given me an upper hand in some respects.

The world today is filled with selfish, emotionally stunted, socially inept, double talking people.  Sure I could have used more colorful words but I'm not in the mood to write colorfully today.

Even those that claim to be family seem to enjoy complaining about shit but not listening to anyone who needs to do the same.

I've just had it with people in general I guess.

< /RANT >