Friday, June 21, 2013

And yet again....bad news....

The other day I went in for my yearly womanly exam, you know, the one we all hate. Anyway, during the exam my dr found a 2cm mass on the right side of my uterus.  She sent me down right away for an ultrasound, they did both external and internal but they couldn't identify the mass.

Sure, I'm glad to finally have an answer as to why I've had pain there for the past six plus months. Granted, it's not what I was expecting it to be.  I was actually expecting something with my intestines, not my uterus.

So, here I am, without Strider, and scared. Yup, I admitted it, I'm scared. I know it's not cancer, they said it was some kind of fatty mass from what they could tell. If it's a fatty tumor, that's pretty damned rare.

After talking to Strider I've decided that I'm going to talk to my dr about having a hysterectomy just to be on the safe side. It's not like it'll throw me into menopause...I'm already in menopause! What's the worst that can happen? I get more hot flashes and night sweats? I can handle that. I just want the pain gone.

Every-time my bladder is full, or my intestines are processing food, or if I lift something the wrong hurts, even sex hurts sometimes.

Hopefully this can be taken care of soon, I'd really like to be out of pain.

< /RANT >