Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rest In Peace, Cloudy

Today we lost one of our furry family members.

Cloudy was a Winter White hamster, about a year and a half old. He lost a lot of weight all of a sudden and developed a growth on his belly, it was cancer.  Last night he ate it off his belly, which was very bad. Thankfully he didn't bleed.  This morning Bug went to pet him and hold him, he was very shaky and very agitated, he bit her hard enough to hurt but not hard enough to break the skin.

We put Cloudy back into his cage with some fresh veggies in hopes that he would feel better.  Later  on I went in to check on him, he was still warm and curled up as though he had been asleep when he passed.

After putting him into a small box with some cushioning, rosemary, some flowers from the garden and food for his trip into the afterlife.  Our neighbor made an old fashioned wooden cross as a grave marker and carved Cloudy's name into it. After a small funeral we buried Cloudy and put the marker at his grave.

We'll miss you, Cloudy,you were a good little hammy, so cuddly, affectionate and oh so soft.

May you play for all eternity and be at peace now, little dude.