Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New shoes

Yesterday Strider and I took Bug out to get her a pair of shoes. We took her to StrideRite because they seem to know kids feet better then anyone else, and their shoes flex and move with the childs feet.

Anyway, we took her in and she was so good. We picked out the shoes for her, the lady at the store out them on Bug's feet and she was all good about having shoes on. It took a little bribing to get her to start walking around so we could see how she was in them. But, after a few minutes she was up and walking all over the store. The lady was amazed at how well behaved Bug was, and how she walked normally in the shoes. She had told us that most babies walk like they have skiis on thier feet, not BUg, she bent her knees and walked quite normally.

I was so proud f her because she was so good in the store. We then took her to the Disney Store and let her pick out one toy, she picked out the Tinker Bell plush doll.

Bug's napping right now, but when she gets up I'll be taking her to get her birthday present. I still can't believe that her birthday is tomorrow...she's a year old...the year went by way too fast. I was thinking of getting her the magnetic letters and one of those magnetic wipe boards that I can put on the wall.

Over the past few days we've been buying Bug alot of clothing, we have plenty to last her now, and bigger sizes for her to grow into. The only things we still need to get for Bug are a winter jacket and winter shoes/boots, then we'll be all set.