Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some mothers...

Today I took Bug out shopping for her birthday, it was rather uneventful, but then we got to the cookie aisle. Something black went over my head, I felt pressure in my chest and sick to my stomach, I had to get out of the store. So I hit the checkout and got out, that's when I saw something that pissed me off to no end. A mother was changing her baby's diaper in the front seat of the car, no big deal, I've done that. But, then she grabbed the baby by the wrists, flung it out of the front seat, around the open back door and into the car seat. The poor baby was screaming in agony as she tossed it around like a rag doll. It took everything I had not to beat that woman's head into the ground.

I don't care what the situation is you don't do that to a baby.

Then there's the woman in Eirie PA who used her 1 month old baby as a weapon. According to the news she got into a fight with her boyfriend, picked her 1 month old baby up by the ankle and threw it at her boyfriend. She's in prison now. I say put her in general population...she won't last long.

Okay, enough about that, it pisses me off.


BlackWidow31 said...

There are some people who should not be parents at all. They don't have the nerves nor the mental capacity to raise a child. Yes, granted we all get those thoughts of just walking away(not that I would),or just putting our heads in pillows to scream as loud as we can without scarying the crap out of our kids. As something as extreme as luging a kid around like a rag doll, those people need to be given electro-shock therapy with a car battery and jumper cables......