Monday, October 02, 2006


Today was just a day, that's about all I can think of to describe it. Bug woke up around 930 this morning, her first nap was around 1130. I tried to keep her up longer so she'd take a good nap but she fell asleep while eating. She only napped for about 25-30 minutes. not too much on the fussing after that nap, her second nap was only 20 minutes...and third, which she doesn't get normally, was about the same, 20 minutes.

She started to get cranky around 430 this afternoon, when she knew that daddy was supposed be coming home.

Strider ended up having to stay at work until 1030 tonight all because someone screwed up while he was on holiday. Now the shop has to be manned 24/7. I was upset when he told me this. I'm just hoping he has Bug's birthday off, or at least can come home early, and that he'll have the day of her party off too. I really don't want him to miss either of those days. It was bad enough that he was at work the day she started walking.

Since Bug started walking a little over a week ago she's been non-stop. She walks everywhere now with very little stumbling. We're going to have to get her some shoes soon. Not for indoor wear, but for outdoor since she loves to walk in the grass and on the sidewalk. She really loves to be outside with the ground beneath her feet and the wind in her hair. She always has the biggest smile on her face when she's walking around outside. When she's inside she's mostly happy unless she's tired or hungry, then she'll walk to me while crying or fussing. If she's overtired she'll just go onto her hands and knees and put her forehead on the carpet and whimper.

There are so many times that Bug will do something that's just too funy, like when she's eating. If she's done with what ever food she's eating she'll start dropping it onto the floor while looking in the opposite direction. The whole "If I can't see it you don't see it" type of thing. I try so hard not to laugh as she does that because she needs to learn not to do things like that. Today she stopped feeding the dog and started feeding the cat her food after she had her fill.

I still can't believe that next Wednesday she's going to be a year old. It's already been a year. It boggles the mind. Tp me it still feels like yesterday that I gave birth to her. Everytime I look at Bug's face, or into her eyes I'm just amazed at how smart she is and how big she's getting. Lately she's been wanting lots of hugs from me, which is great by me, I love hugging her and just holding her.

I guess that about does it for now.