Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Not so fun trip to the doctors

Yesterday started out pretty normal, got Bug up, fed, and dressed. Around one in the afternoon we left to go to her 1 year appointment…that’s when the day got bad. Not even two miles from the house we got hit by some idiot making a left turn across the street. He was going the opposite direction and turned to cross over the lane I was in. He didn’t even yield or anything. Then he just sat there staring at me for about a minute before he finally listened to the hand gesture I was giving him to back the hell up. I couldn’t believe it, the S.O.B. tried to tell me that it was my fault.

After making sure Bug was alright I called the insurance company while Strider called the police. I got out of the car to see if the idiot was okay and he said that I was supposed to yield for him, bull. Anyway, the cops got there, the guy got a ticket. The officer reassured me that I had right of way and that I was in no way at fault for the accident. We got to Bug’s appointment with like 7 minutes to spare.

The appointment for the estimate is on Thursday, it looks like about grand plus of body damage. The check engine light is on now and the car’s running oddly, a bit rough. The shop will check it over and let us know how bad the damage is.