Thursday, November 29, 2012


It's been a while since I've written anything here.  Guess life got the better of me yet again.  I've been so tired lately, and hurting.  This damned disease is kicking my ass. I'm seriously tired of hurting all the damned time.

I forgot to pick up the new medication yet again today, my dr wants me to try Zanaflex.  If it doesn't help then it's on to another drug called Skelaxin.

Between the pain and the usual hectic family life I've been doing some canning and baking. At least I'm trying to keep myself busy.

Today I have to do the grocery shopping and try to get some Yule shopping done.

KM has been pretty much talking to me. Seems that she wants to start hanging out again, so I'll be keeping her at arms length.  Best not to get hurt again. If you've read my previous posts then you know why I'm keeping her at arms length.  Even KA has been trying to get back with me, well, according to her FB post she wants to 'stay' friends. So we'll see.

Today I've done a lot of sleeping, which I know isn't good for me, I've gotten nothing done! Eesh!

The months are passing by and soon Strider will be gone for a year...maybe that's why I'm sleeping so much...depression.  I know we'll get through this, one way or another, we'll get through this. It'll be hardest on Bug I think, just have to keep her and I super busy during that year.

Well, it's about time to go pick Bug up from school then do the shopping.

< /RANT >