Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Storms & fire

So much has happened in the past few weeks.  A hurricane went right past us and hit NJ pretty badly. By badly I mean that it caused massive flooding and power outages that still haven't been fully restored.  There are so many people that I know that are still in the dark up there, so many people that are so cold at night.  And now they're facing a severe winter storm that's aiming to dump a lot of snow on them.  Haven't they had enough happen to them already?  I'm really starting to think that Mother Earth is trying to cleanse herself little by little or something.  I wish I knew why this was happening to them.

They need help up there, they really do.  But, what can one person do? Well, aside from sending supplies or something up there, I'm not sure what else can be done.

I see so many people complaining about how horrible their lives are on face book.  Personally I think the people up in NJ have it a lot worse then anyone here does. Sure, I have some things going on right now in my life, but I know it's nothing in comparison to possibly freezing at night in the snow and flooded areas that don't have electricity.

Seeing everything that's going on makes me very thankful for what we have right now. Like that we have electricity, that we're not flooded, that we have food and warmth and a roof over our heads. That I have the ability to can things to last if we ever need them is another thing that I'm very thankful for, as well as being able to make all the homemade products that I make, at least we'll always have what we need to survive, even if we ever have no electricity, or in the event of something bad happening.

There are a lot of people who seem to believe that the world is going to end on December 21st of this year. All I have to say to that is it better not happen, seriously. I want to celebrate my 15th anniversary to Strider, so it had better not happen. I really want to be with Strider this Christmas, especially considering he's not going to be here next year.  Starting in April he leaves us for a full about a bad year to come.

I could seriously bitch about things right now, but is it really a good thing after saying how people have it worse then I do right now? Well, this is my blog, and my place to I should.  I mean, it's not like I'll be bitching about how horrible things are or anything, maybe just a rant or two about stuff that goes on here at my humble abode.

Anyway, tonight I was making some crystallized ginger after making nine 12oz jars of pasta sauce. After I took the ginger out I set the left over liquid to boil...well, it boiled all right...all over the stove.   Not so bad, right? Yeah, it was bad, so bad in fact that the stove top caught fire. Yup, you read that right, I actually succeeded in setting my stove top on fire. It took a few minutes but I got the flames to stop coming back. The hard part was scrubbing the burnt on ginger syrup, it's not totally scrubbed off yet, that may take a little more work tomorrow.

Between trying to get the rest of the burnt on ginger syrup off the stove top and getting the orders finished, it's going to be a very busy day tomorrow. Plus I need to clean this house and get some laundry done. My mom asked me to make her a fresh batch of laundry detergent, add another thing for me to do before the end of the week.

I guess that's about it, not much more to really say tonight.

< /RANT >