Friday, May 03, 2013

Kids and televisions...

Are the kids of today really that hooked on the television that they have no idea what to do without one? Bug has a friend over who has asked me several times of we have T.V. cause she wanted to watch it, she seemed shocked that we had none, that we had cancelled our cable. She even went so far as to ask what Bug does without one.

Well, Bug does crafts, draws, paints and even sculpting with clay.  Why are kids today so dependent on the television for entertainment? Do the parents really not do things with their kids and leave them to watch the television all the damned day?

When we were at dinner with L and her girls, she didn't seem happy when she heard that Summer vacation starts in about a month or so.  Guess she doesn't know what to do with her girls, but as she said, she wants to get a job so she doesn't have to be around them all the time. Honestly, I'm looking forward to it! It means lots of time with my Bug to go out and do things. Hiking, going on day trips and so much more.

Maybe I'm odd, but actually enjoy the days off that Bug has from school, the weekends and especially the summer.  Yet another summer without Strider, but we'll make it good, even if it's hard.

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