Thursday, July 11, 2013

My brother the asshat

Bug and I went up to Colonial Williamsburg today because my mom wanted us to go and see my brother...yeah, that wasn't all that great of an idea.

His daughters were nice, as was his wife, but my brother himself needs a serious attitude adjustment. He thinks he's better then anyone else.

He did nothing but brag about running, biking, and he texted the entire time during lunch.  He even had the gall to talk down to Bug, then he made fun of our allergy to gluten after we had left.

While we were there Bug wanted to see the museum since we didn't get to see it last time we went. My mom stayed with my brother and his family, then we ran into them all again at the Reviewing of the Soldiers which is an end of day event they do.

He flaunted the fact that he was with his family and Strider was gone, he practically rubbed it in my face that I was alone in everything I had to do right now. That his girls had their dad and Bug didn't.  That's a seriously shitty thing to do, especially to a kid!

Then he went on to pick on Bug for the pets we had as well as the rescues we were taking care of long term. He hasn't changed much except that now he's an adult and treats everyone as inferior to him more-so then he did when he was younger.

His hands shake all the time, I swear he starves himself, even his kids are far too skinny.

According to my brother his photography is better then anyone else's, that my photography is crap...he degrades everyone to make himself feel better about himself.

< /RANT >