Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Bug's Eyes

This morning we got up early and went to the hospital to get checked in by 0845.  It didn't go according to plan...not even a little bit.

First the check engine light went on in the car, then we got to the hospital and found parking far too easily...and then it got crazy.

First we got off on the wrong elevator on the 3rd floor, ended up in Psych where they were trying to get a wheel chair for me but the QD wanted me to go down and check one out...seriously? I was carrying two bags, Bug and her crutches...oh, wait...what?  You asked about the crutches? Well, funny story that...but I'll get to that later.

Anyway, I started to leave the clinic when one of the girls behind the desk followed me and picked up Bug, she carried her all the way to the place we needed to be for pre-op check in. Talk about an awesome gal.

After we got checked in, we got her changed and waited in the pre-op waiting room, which only took a few minutes.  After that we went to the room to get her ready, talked to the anesthesiologist and got her the red stuff she wanted to help her handle everything.  After she went in I was escorted to the ICU waiting room.

It was maybe an hour in total that I waited before Klink came in to get me, Bug had done great and was in recovery.

She woke up nice and slow this time, which was great compared to last time.  After she woke up she was so upset and hurting so badly, yet she refused the heavy medication they wanted to put into her IV, so much like me in that respect.

After a little bit they took us to the recovery room where she got some Tylenol which was a battle to get her to take. After that she curled up on the seat of the wheel chair and refused to sit up after I got her changed.  She was so damned adorable, and the nurse was obviously getting tired of Bug's whininess and uncooperative actions.   What did she expect?  Bug just had surgery on both eyes, of course she'd be whining and a touch uncooperative.

Then we drove home, that was all fine, then my mom stopped by.  Oh, did I mention that my mom bailed on going with me at the last second this morning? Yup, handled it all alone.  Anyway, she brought Bug some orange jello then left after like three minutes.

The night went on rather well, Bug got to talk to her bestie over Skype, and talk to Strider, which was great.

And then we fine out that the pool filter's not running, so I check it out and find that the breaker had tripped, after fixing it I try again...trips now the pool's draining so I can get it taken apart and put away tomorrow.

It was an eventful day...

Only nine more months before Strider comes home...

Yes, now I'll tell you about the crutches...two days ago I had asked Bug not to mess with the pool cover, well, she didn't listen.  She tried to fold the pool cover, stepped back and tripped over the dog and twisted her ankle.  Needless to say we spent 2 hours in the ER, she was put in a half cast and on crutches.  The half cast is off now and she's in a brace instead to make it easier for her to get around and give her more stability.

That was my was yours?

< /RANT >