Wednesday, April 24, 2013


In just a few days Strider leaves for a year...a full fucking is that fair?  He was gone for five months, home for six and now he's leaving again.  This time he's moving for a year to a foreign country without us...that hurts, I mean really hurts...that we can't go with him.  Correction, we could have gone with him but he flat out said that he'd rather we didn't.  Should that make me worry? Should I question his reasons? No, I don't think I should.

Bug's not happy about this either, but she understands that this is daddy's job, that he has to do it. The good thing is that three months into this PCS Strider's up for orders.  Now to hope that he can find orders that will get us out of this state and that we can sell our house.

Which is another thing of stress for me, the market value of our house is way less then what we owe on our mortgage..lovely, no?

I guess that's it for now...

< /RANT >