Sunday, March 25, 2007

Work work work

It's been a busy week for us. Bug's had a lot of fun playing outside when the weather was warm. Today my mom got Bug a club house play house with a swing, Strider's putting it together. While he was mowing the back yard and getting started on the club house I took Bug to the garden center.

I decided that I want to pull up the shrubs that are in front of the house, they look all diseased and just nasty. So, Strider's doing to take care of that for me. I got a bunch of really pretty flowers and rose bushes, some anti-weed matting and some mulch. Once he gets the shrubs out I can work on getting the area ready for planting. I think it'll turn out nice. We're going to need to get a about 15 yards or so of mulch to put around Bug's play house, that way if she falls it'll be softer. Plus, if we get the cedar mulch it'll keep the pests away from the area.

We hit Sears, JC Penny and the Disney Store the other day, they all had some nice sales going on so we got bug a bunch os spring and summer clothing.

The house needs to be cleaned yet again, so I might start doing that this week, try to get it all done by the weekend. I know I've been doing alot lately, but I just want our house to look nice inside and out. Especially if we'll be selling it in a year. If we do sell the house it'll be to buy a bigger one.

Bug's napping right now so I'm off to watch a little tv and fold laundry.

Until next time.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

My day

Today was a good day with Bug, she woke up around five til nine this morning. Granted she got a little cranky while I was making her breakfast, but it stopped as soon as she started eating. It was a miserable day out today, rainy and in the 40's...yuk! So we had to spend the day inside.

Bug and I sat down to watch Anastasia this afternoon, around five after one she got up off the floor, picked up her bunny and crawled into my lap. Five minutes later she was out cold. It was just so cute! After she got up from her nap we went to the store.

I got really pissed off at this one fat cow of a woman that was in there. I swear, she was seconds away from getting her face punched. I was over by the dairy grabbing a gallon of milk and this woman was standing there complaining about the cholesterol on eggs, I so mentioned that the brown, free range eggs by Eggland's Best had about half the cholesterol of the regular white eggs. Let's just say that she's lucky that Bug was with me at the time...she had the gall to say "You don't have to worry about cholesterol, you skinny bitch.". Man was I pissed at that woman!

Anyway, by the time we got home Strider was already home, which made it easier for me. I got out of the car, grabbed Bug then opened the trunk, grabbed three bags with my free hand then went to the back door. I'm still not entirely sure how I managed it, but I held Bug in one arm, the groceries in the other and still was able to open the door. I asked Strider to get the rest of the bags out of the car so I could get Bug inside and out of the rain..he had no issues with that.

Shortly after we got home Bug started to get cranky, she was getting hungry, so I had Strider made her a hot dog while I was putting the groceries away. I think it was about an hour after she ate she crawled into my lap and fell asleep again. It was so adorable!

It's been a pretty busy day, and I must say that I'm glad it's nearing the end. Strider has duty tomorrow which means it's just Bug and I all day until Sunday morning.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tinker Bell

I can't wait for Tinker Bell the movie to come out, Bug will absolutely love it!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


We all have an identity, but some of us lose it somewhere along the line. I know I've lost my identity, or at least, the way I used to be.

I was rummaging through some of my old stuff yesterday and found all my jewelry that I used to wear. Been putting some serious thought into reverting to the way I used to dress...only classier. You know, the classy goth kind of look. Not so much in the eyeliner or other makeup department, but the nice black and dark colored clothing. Basically the way I am now, only with a little makeup and some of my old my ankh choker.

Then there's my's short, and I was thinking of going even shorter...but if I do that then I'll need to figure out what color to dye it next. Maybe something darker then it is. Right now my hair's a medium mahogany color...hmm.


Not sure what happened last night, Bug usually goes to bed around 10pm, but that wasn't the case last night. She was wired for sound and didn't go to bed until around 1130pm. I don't mind the hyper happy being up late, it's the cranky, scream all the time up late that I don't like.

Around noon yesterday I got this strange pain in my left shoulder, between my shoulder blades that wrapped around and across my chest. I couldn't figure out what it was, so I guessed at it being a pulled muscle or a pinched nerve. I took some Aleve and it didn't help. I decided that if I still had the pain today or if I was feeling odd that I would go to the doctors. When I woke up this morning the pain was almost completely gone, only a slight twinge in my shoulder. My chest is still bugging me a little, but it's the muscles, most likely from coughing alot. I'm still fighting this damned head/chest cold, it's been four weeks now. Blame it on the the 70's one day, 40's the next.

The sky looks a bit overcast today, like it's going to rain. I hope not, I want to be able to take Bug out after she wakes up from her nap and has something to eat. If it's not raining we might make a run out for some fast food or something.

Strider put our new platform bed together last night. We didn't need the boxspring so it's out for Thursday's bulk pick-up. The bed is so comfy now, and Bug can crawl right up onto it.

And in other you can see I've changed the layout of my blog...yet again. I like this look a lot better. But I'm keeping my options open.

Friday, March 09, 2007

A stink pretty house

Bug and I went to Wally World today to pick up a few things, while we were there I found this new scent of Arm & Hammer carpet powder. The scent is Lavender and White Rose Petals, it's nice and subtle. It got the smell of the animals, smoke and everything out of the computer room and Bug's room carpeting, as well as in the air. It made the whole back half of the house smell so nice that it sent me into a cleaning tizzy. I used the Clorox wipes on all of her toys, the tables, and I even scrubbed the TV screen and entertainment center glass door. I asked Strider tonight when I spoke to him if he could possibly take Bug outside to pay tomorrow for about 20-25 minutes while I get the hall and living room carpets done. He said he would.

I just have this thing about my house being as clean as possible. There are days when it seems like an absolute disaster area to me, but to anyone who visits they say it's really clean and smells nice. All I want is a safe and clean environment for Bug. The last thing any of us want is a sick Bug...again. Especially since there's a nasty stomach virus running around.

After I get the house cleaned up as much as I can tomorrow I might decide that we're going out for dinner...dunno yet.

Tonight before I put Bug to bed I was getting her room ready, she walked into the room holding a stuffed dragon that I had gotten for my birthday when I was 16. I smiled and asked her where she wanted me to put it, she pointed at a spot across from her bed, so I put him there. His name's Fafneer by the way. Anyway, she then pointed at his head then to her bed and said "Dagan potet me." so I turned his head toward her bed and she nodded her approval with a big smile. It's amazing how quickly they grow up, she's going to be 17 months on Sunday...and man is she ever smart.

Hopefully my Bug will sleep through the night again tonight, this way we can have a good day tomorrow. She had slept through the night last night, and I had to wake her up this morning. She is just too cute for words.

Anyway, that's about it for now, time for this one to go get some sleep.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Very upset Bug

My poor Bug woke up a little bit ago screaming. She wasn't fully awake so I knew not to wake her because it could do more harm then good. It seems to be a either a night terror or gas, possibly a combination thereof. Strider's trying to calm her down right now, I'm just worried about her. If this is a night terror I hope she doesn't have them late into her life the way I do.

I gave her some Mylicon, if it's gas it'll help. After she started to open her eyes she stretched while screaming and gave a few small farts. She was looking around as though she had no clue where she was.

I'm hoping she'll calm down, release the gas if there is anymore, and fall back into a peaceful sleep.

It breaks my heart to hear and see her so upset. The last time she was this upset was when she got her 1 year shots which is 4 1/2 months ago.

I'm going to try and get her to maybe have a few sips of water after she calms down a bit more.

Wish me luck.

Friday, March 02, 2007

A Fragile Dream Crushed

Well, today was a mostly good day, minus the headache that I woke up with. The blasted headache stuck with me all day long. Bug was good today, until after she woke up from her nap. She woke up sort of happy then started screaming within the first two minutes. Talk about a bad way to wake up.

The day went pretty good, until I got the mail from the mailbox. Mostly it was all junk mail, except for the letter from my publisher. *sigh* My dream has officially been crushed. Not only is my book not selling at all, but a bookstore that did order it returned two copies of it, so now I owe my publisher money. Major suckage. It really upset me to see that. I mean, I do what I can to market my own book, but it just seems like no one wants to read or buy poetry anymore. I guess I'm not going to be able to get my second book published at all. With the way it's going I might as well pull my book from the publisher and call it quits. After three years of no sales I think it's time to just forget about my dream.

I don't get it, people claim that they love poetry, but then when I ask them if they'd buy my book they ask me if I have a copy to give to them. Give to them! Come on, people, I need to make money. All I ever wanted was a little recognition for my writing, but I'm not even getting that. Maybe one day people will recognize my writing, probably when I'm long dead, that seems to be how it goes for people who write poetry anyway. Look at Shakespeare and Poe and others like them, they all became well known after they died.

Okay, enough sulking for now, Bug's getting upset and it's about time for her to go to bed anyway.