Friday, March 02, 2007

A Fragile Dream Crushed

Well, today was a mostly good day, minus the headache that I woke up with. The blasted headache stuck with me all day long. Bug was good today, until after she woke up from her nap. She woke up sort of happy then started screaming within the first two minutes. Talk about a bad way to wake up.

The day went pretty good, until I got the mail from the mailbox. Mostly it was all junk mail, except for the letter from my publisher. *sigh* My dream has officially been crushed. Not only is my book not selling at all, but a bookstore that did order it returned two copies of it, so now I owe my publisher money. Major suckage. It really upset me to see that. I mean, I do what I can to market my own book, but it just seems like no one wants to read or buy poetry anymore. I guess I'm not going to be able to get my second book published at all. With the way it's going I might as well pull my book from the publisher and call it quits. After three years of no sales I think it's time to just forget about my dream.

I don't get it, people claim that they love poetry, but then when I ask them if they'd buy my book they ask me if I have a copy to give to them. Give to them! Come on, people, I need to make money. All I ever wanted was a little recognition for my writing, but I'm not even getting that. Maybe one day people will recognize my writing, probably when I'm long dead, that seems to be how it goes for people who write poetry anyway. Look at Shakespeare and Poe and others like them, they all became well known after they died.

Okay, enough sulking for now, Bug's getting upset and it's about time for her to go to bed anyway.