Friday, March 09, 2007

A stink pretty house

Bug and I went to Wally World today to pick up a few things, while we were there I found this new scent of Arm & Hammer carpet powder. The scent is Lavender and White Rose Petals, it's nice and subtle. It got the smell of the animals, smoke and everything out of the computer room and Bug's room carpeting, as well as in the air. It made the whole back half of the house smell so nice that it sent me into a cleaning tizzy. I used the Clorox wipes on all of her toys, the tables, and I even scrubbed the TV screen and entertainment center glass door. I asked Strider tonight when I spoke to him if he could possibly take Bug outside to pay tomorrow for about 20-25 minutes while I get the hall and living room carpets done. He said he would.

I just have this thing about my house being as clean as possible. There are days when it seems like an absolute disaster area to me, but to anyone who visits they say it's really clean and smells nice. All I want is a safe and clean environment for Bug. The last thing any of us want is a sick Bug...again. Especially since there's a nasty stomach virus running around.

After I get the house cleaned up as much as I can tomorrow I might decide that we're going out for dinner...dunno yet.

Tonight before I put Bug to bed I was getting her room ready, she walked into the room holding a stuffed dragon that I had gotten for my birthday when I was 16. I smiled and asked her where she wanted me to put it, she pointed at a spot across from her bed, so I put him there. His name's Fafneer by the way. Anyway, she then pointed at his head then to her bed and said "Dagan potet me." so I turned his head toward her bed and she nodded her approval with a big smile. It's amazing how quickly they grow up, she's going to be 17 months on Sunday...and man is she ever smart.

Hopefully my Bug will sleep through the night again tonight, this way we can have a good day tomorrow. She had slept through the night last night, and I had to wake her up this morning. She is just too cute for words.

Anyway, that's about it for now, time for this one to go get some sleep.