Sunday, September 02, 2012

Grumbles, Growls and everything in between

It's been a while since I blogged anything, I know, I need to start putting my feelings and such down better.  It's just hard sometimes, you know, life and all.

Things have been interesting to say the least since Strider left for deployment.

I took our dog to the vet because he was losing fur on his sides, they did the Free T3 for me, which is a full thyroid panel.  The results...well, he has Lymphocitic Thryoiditis.  What is that you ask? It's a genetic disease similar to Hashimoto's disease in humans.  He also has seasonal flank alopecia, which is treatable with melatonin.

I PM'd the breeder to let him know what was going on, well, he was a complete ass to say the least.   He never even bothered to respond until another dog, that was since put to sleep due to aggression issues, was brought up.  After I remarked about the contract, he went off the deep end. He threatened, he huffed, he puffed, he bluffed. He even tried to tell me not to treat the dog.  Excuse me? I'm sorry, but he did not go to veterinary school, why the hell should I listen to him? I'm listening to what the VET said to do.  What did I do?  I called two lawyers, gave them all the information, including the emails back and forth. They said to ignore him, one of them actually flat out said that if he tries to take me to court that the judge will call him a dumb ass.  How great is that? They also said that if he does try to sue me that they'll handle him, they both said that he will end up paying more then he would have had he simply done what any responsible breeder would have done.  Anyway, he claimed to be sending me a certified letter or some shit, yeah, okay, been two weeks and it hasn't shown up...yet another fucking bluff from this asshole.  Needless to say I will sending the test results to the OFA as well as sending a letter to the UKC about how unprofessional this breeder is.  Why send a letter to the UKC? Because he's the president of it up in MI. Can you tell that I'm not someone to be bullied?

While all of that was going on I've had an MRI, which came back negative. So now I have to go see a neurologist for further testing.  My Dr is just wanting the same answers I'm looking for.  Is it really fibromyalgia or is it MS?  Hopefully we'll get an answer, no matter how good or bad it is, I'll handle it.

Plus I've been making and selling homemade products for the home and body. It all started out when Bug was itching from the laundry detergent.  I started making our own laundry and dish detergent.  Then it spread to bug spray and hand sanitizer, and just spread from there.  Now I make sachet's, carpet and upholstery freshener and even shampoo! Soon I'll be making glycerin soaps, possibly some bath bags, bath bombs/fizzies and maybe even some skin lotion!

So you can see that even when I'm stressed out and about to slap the shit out of assholes in my life, I can still make good things and keep my head up.

Bug starts school in a few days, I can't wait.  I know, that sounds horrible, but it's true! Yet at the same time I'm dreading it.  On Tuesday when I take her to school I need to stop in and speak to the cafeteria manager about them having soy milk for Bug.  If she tries to tell me that it'll take a week or two, I'll tell her bullshit, the board of ed said that it's their responsibility to go pick it up!  After that I get to go talk to the principal about them putting that kid that assaulted Bug three times last year in her class!  Seriously?!  I'm telling you, if anything, and I mean ANYTHING, is done to my Bug by that kid I'm holding the school and the principal PERSONALLY responsible.

Well, I guess that's about it for now, maybe I'll have more to say tomorrow.

By the way, if that certain person is reading this, then he needs to get a life.  I can already get him on cyber bullying, shall we go for cyber stalking as well?

< /RANT >