Saturday, September 15, 2012

She needs help!

It happened again yesterday. My mom decided to start going after Bug because she was pissed off at me.  It all started when I was talking to Strider on Tango, we were talking about his mother when my mom decided to but her nose into the conversation. I told her that it wasn't her business and to stay out of it, well, that pissed her off apparently. So she took it out on poor Bug.  That's when I lost it, I yelled at her to stop.  She threatened to walk home, so I let her.  I wasn't about to stop her, not after what she did to Bug.  Besides, it was a very nice day out yesterday, perfect walking weather.

Strider thinks I should have her committed, I can't do that, she'd hate me for life. She does need help though, serious help.  When I first suggested a therapist to her she claimed she had seen one that told her she was bi-polar and she flipped out on him and stormed out of his office.  The next time I asked her about seeing one she claimed she had gone to one and he tried to kill her by putting her meds that would have reacted badly with the meds she's on now.

According to her dr she's in stage 4 renal failure, I'm sorry, but if she was in stage 4 she'd be a lot worse off then she is.  Not to mention being almost crippled if she had RA as severely as she says she does.

I just don't know what to do anymore, she's become so bitter and angry all the time, unless she's getting what she wants.  She says that my Aunt, her sister, treated her like crap when she was up there for my aunts son's funeral.  Knowing my mom she said something in her usual angry, bitchy tone and was told to stop and she went off as usual.  My brother doesn't even bother with her unless he wants something from her, sounds familiar really.

Bug tried to call her today to tell her what she had learned in school today, well, my mom was cold and unemotional to her. Then when Bug asked my mom if she wanted to talk to me she said "I have nothing to say, good bye" and hung up. If she wants to be alone in her life, she's doing a great job so far.  Because of her attitude I don't like being around her. I've tried so hard to be nice to her, to understand what she's going through and be there for her, but she just doesn't seem to give a damn.  All she cares about is her crap and talking about the same thing over and over again.  I'm done with it.  Even when we're driving she freaks out of a person coming to a stop sign next to us rolls slightly over the line, I swear, she acts as though they're gonna run the light and hit us!

I can't anymore of this, I really can't. Goddess help me, I just don't know what to do about her any more.  Even when we're out in public she'll start in on Bug, refuse to listen when Bug says to stop, then I have to yell because she refuses to listen the first three times I ask her to stop! Then I look like the bad guy! She needs to learn to stop demeaning Bug, stop picking on Bug and to respect bug's personal space!

I swear, between my mom and Strider's mom Bug has no grandmothers at all, no grandfathers either, Strider's father is dead and mine is...well...I have no clue to be honest.

My mom tried to get me all pissed at my father again, I forgave him a long time ago, just like I had forgiven her a long time ago for the physical abuse.  But this...I dunno if I can forgive this.  She's making my daughter miserable, making my daughter not want to be around her, making my daughter cry. Sorry, but no one makes my kid cry.

Before I get even more angry about this crap I should go...time for bed anyway.

< /RANT >