Sunday, September 16, 2012

Out of place...

Ah yes, the after midnight blog entry...

Bug and I went to our friends house tonight for a birthday party for Kitty and Bitty. Bug had a blast hanging out with the kids and playing.  After a while we left to go have dinner, when we returned we took our dog with us.  He had fun playing with the other dogs.

There was only one problem...I felt out of place...I was the only one there who's husband was gone.  It's the one thing I dislike about hanging out with friends, is being the only one there without their husband.

I mean, sure, I had fun, but I just felt like an outsider, you know?

Maybe I'm being silly, but it just bothers me, makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. But I didn't say anything, I really didn't want to ruin the day for anyone else.

Oh well, I should go before I feel any more depressed then I already do.

< /RANT >