Saturday, May 05, 2012

Grumbles & Strawberry

What is wrong with some people? I thought for sure that KA and KS were friends of mine, I guess not. Not only was KA at KS's house all day, they both decided not to go to strawberry picking with the troop. The excuse first started out being about the weather then moved on to being about KA's daughter not feeling well.  If she's not feeling well then why in the hell are you at KS's house?! Seriously, if she's sick then why the hell are you there?

Maybe I'm just being petty, but I feel that if you're going to say that you're friends with someone that you should act like it, not turn your back on them the second you get a new friend. It's a seriously shitty thing to do. Maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there, but I dunno, it sure as hell feels like they don't want to be friends with me anymore. I hope it's not the way it seems, I really do. I'd hate to lose friends because they decided to get stupid.

I guess this wouldn't bother me so much if it hadn't happened so much in the past. First it was a mom's group here that decided they were too good for me, then it was Kim and Sako, now these two. Is there something wrong with me? It's not me, it's got to be them, I haven't changed over the years, I'm still the same person I was.

What really sucks is that it's hurting Bug, it's taking friends away from her. She was good friends with Kim's kids and with Sako's kids, and she cried when they stopped talking to me because she wanted to know why they hated her so much. My poor Bug, the only thing I could tell her was that it wasn't her that they didn't like, that it was mommy. And now with KM and KA, if they're turning from me and keeping their kids away from Bug then they're truly shitty people. I hope that they get what they deserve for hurting people the way they're hurting Bug and I.

Even if they're turning from me I'll still put the invites out there for them to join us for outings and such. I'll be the bigger person about this whole thing. Let them be the way they're going to be, I refuse to be petty, and so I'll continue to put the invites out to them.

Bug had a blast strawberry picking with the troop, and she got a patch for it. I'm glad that she has friends, it's good for her. We picked about a gallon and a half between the two of us. The strawberries are so sweet and yummy, seriously. The way her face lit up when she was picking the strawberries made me so happy. If I could afford to go back there before pay day I would do it in a second.

Today she went to my moms house and picked boysenberries, she loved it. Then we went home and she helped me to plant a flower.

This morning she helped me with Blue's enclosure. Even though Blue clamped his beak down on my finger, Bug did what she was asked to do, she cleaned out his area and even got it all set up again.  Then she helped me to make the dry rub and sauce for the ribs we had for dinner tonight.

Bug asked if she could help me to train Logan, I told her she could but that meant that she had to listen to me as well. If the weather's nice tomorrow I'd like to go for a walk with bug and Logan, see how they both do. Maybe I'll put the short lead on as well as the long lead and let Bug hold one of them. I need to get Logan calmer on the leash when Bug's walking with us, he gets a bit too protective sometimes. One day he lunged at someone who was holding a hammer, another time he nearly went after a kid who came running toward us with a baseball bat. Logan is very protective over Bug and I.

< /RANT >