Monday, May 07, 2012

Hamsters, walks and cages

It seems like we have to separate the hamsters. You didn't know we had hamsters? Sorry, I must have forgotten to mention it. We got them a little over a week ago. The pet store was giving them away since they were born there, two brothers.  Bug named them Storm and Cloud. They're Russian Dwarf hamsters, so cute.  But, anyway, we have to separate them, Cloud has been going after Snow, keeping him from the food and being a complete asshole to Snow. So, this weekend we'll be getting another enclosure with some tubes and such, should be cool for them.

I took Logan for a walk today, about 8/10's of a mile, it wasn't too bad. He pulled at first but he started to do better. Tomorrow I'll walk him again after breakfast, then maybe after lunch I'll go for a bike ride. Maybe at some point I'll start working out again, I need to tone my core and get myself back into shape. I want to have a killer body by the time Strider gets back from his impending deployment.

This weekend I need to clean out Sammy's tank, scoop and wash Eragon's tank, clean out the hamster cage and set up the new one, clean out Blue's enclosure and bathe the cats if I can. Might try to get some house cleaning in somewhere too.

Tomorrow Bug will have her best friend over to play, it'll be so good to see her happy and playing with her friend.  It's such a shame that KA turned away from me, Bug really enjoyed playing with her daughters. Oh well, it's their loss, right?

I guess that's it for now...

< /RANT >