Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Troubled day...

This morning Bug left for school without her lunch. She packed everything in her lunch pail except her salad, if I'd known she forgot it I would have grabbed it before we left to get her to school. So I ran it over to the school and gave it to her. My silly Bug.

Last night I had to separate Snow and Cloud. Cloud was attacking Snow, poor little Snow was bitten all over, his nose, back, feet and belly. After getting him cleaned up and some antibiotic ointment on the bites I put him into the large critter keeper we have. I gave Snow some water, which he drank for a good minute or so. This morning I gave him more water as well as some cheese and soy milk to try to fatten him up a bit. I'll be giving him some more water and trying to get him to eat again in a few more minutes.

My mom called a little bit ago saying never mind going over there this morning because she was going to the store. I was talking to her all calmly about what happened with Snow and Cloud, then I told her that I needed to get new rain boots for Bug. So ,mom goes into the whole "We just bought her new rain boots two months ago!" Umm, no, two months ago we got her new sneakers, not rain boots. Then she asks me if I want to go to the store so I can see what they have then take Angie back there this weekend. I told her no because I dislike going shopping when I don't have any money, which is a good reason not to go. So she comes back with "Okay fine" In such a nasty tone. So I asked her why she was upset with me wanting to wait, and that set her off. I was talking to her calmly even as she was yelling and having a fit, it just made her angrier. So I waited until she was quiet and calmly asked her if she was done, she said "I'm done and I'm hanging up now!" in that same angry, pissed off tone. Like I really needed that this morning? One of these days I'm going to tell her that she needs to talk to her doctor about getting on some kind of medication to help with her mood swings. To me it seems like she's bi-polar, she can go from happy and sweet one second to screaming and threatening you the next.  It's not healthy at all, and I really don't want Bug exposed to it because it makes Bug ask out toward Strider and I, which isn't good at all.

It's bad enough that KA and KM decided to shun me, I really don't need my mom's crap on top of that.  Speaking of KA and KM, KA never even said a word to me about no longer wanting me to pick up her daughter, instead she just started putting her with the MWR. That's fine, but then she suddenly has KM picking her up.  Yesterday when I told KM that she was welcome to join us on the trips we're planning for this summer, she comes back with "I can't, I'm watching KA's kids this summer and can't fit them all in my car." Woah, really? So instead of letting her daughter hang out with Bug, who was supposedly her daughter's BFF, she's putting her kids with KM? Thanks a lot, KA, seriously, thanks for the slap in the face...again.  The first slap in the face was when she got professional family photo's done after saying that she wanted me to do them. So instead of taking my offer of doing them for free she goes off and spends who knows how much without even telling me that she didn't me to do them. That's just wrong. I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but it does. Maybe because they had both claimed to not be to the type of person to just suddenly turn on someone. Oh well, I don't need people like that in my life, I have better people to hang out with anyway.

My biggest concern is that they're both in GS with Bug, one of them is an assistant leader like I am, this could cause some turbulence in the troop, which I seriously hope that it doesn't. I plan on giving KA the 12$ she fronted me so I could get Bug into the GS, that way I owe her anything and I can walk away with a clear conscience. If it starts trouble with them being in the troop with us, then I'll have to sit down and talk to A about it. As it is I think KM is disliking me because A asked me to be her assistant and that she comes to me first when it comes to information or things that need to be taken care of within the troop or for setting something up. I really don't want to have to leave GS because of their petty crap. Actually, if it comes down to it I'll just ignore them and see what happens. I mean, why should I walk away from something that Bug obviously enjoys? Why should I make her suffer because of them? I shouldn't and I won't. I'd sooner drive them to leave and go to another troop then stay and make it a bad experience for Bug and and the rest of the girls. I enjoy working with A to do things with the girls, it's great to see the smiles on their faces and listen to them talk about it afterward.

< /RANT >