Sunday, December 19, 2010


I swear, Strider's been pissing me off lately. He seems to think that I do nothing all day. Today he turned on the PS2 and put I. A game, Bug had asked him several questions about the game he was playing and he just ignored her. That's just wrong, seriously wrong. So I asked him why he's not playing with her, he said that he wanted to play the game alone. You know what? I never get to okay a game alone! Never! I always play with Angie, I always make sure that she's enjoying herself and having fun.

He's on leave for the next two weeks, and I can guarantee that he will not want to do much of anything. Bug had asked hin to play a game with him and he got all pissy. I'm sorry if our daughters wants to play a game with him. So then he sits down to play checkers with her and he starts telling her to move "vertically", I'm sorry, a five year old doesn't know words like that. So I told her corner to corner, which she understood. Then I asked him to let her win, the look ha shave me. I wanted him to build up her confidence I playing before getting serious about it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that you need to build up your kids confidence if you want them to be able to succeed in anything. If they don't ha e the confidence they won't be able to do much of anything with confidence.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother anymore...

< /rant >

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Instability Of Me...

I think it's time to start removing people from my friends list on Trillian. There's only maybe 3 people out of the 85 that even talk to me anymore. I guess that says something, huh? While I'm at it I might as well clear out my contacts list on my cell, clear out all the names of those that have become distant for one reason or another, the main reason...they have better friends and no need to associate with me. lol Funny, no? There was a time when I went out, when I had good friends that I could go to lunch with, now it would seem that, according to my mom, I've become an asshole.

The other day I was in the car with my mom and Bug, we were headed to BJ's to do some grocery shopping. She started in on me yet again, but this time she started to call me names, she called me an asshole, an idiot, she called me stupid and everything. Right there in front of Bug. Bug started to cry as she was yelling at me then threatening to take a cab home. This isn't the first time she pulled this cap, she did it one night when we were going out for dinner. Poor Bug was crying when we went into the restaurant. My mom was even yelling at me in the restaurant and outside. Why? Am I really this bad of a person that she has to do this to me, to Bug?

Last month I had my car in the shop, I tried to charge the cost but found out that Strider's repairs had maxed out the car, so I called my mom. She railed into me and said no, so I told her fine, then she started to yel at me. Even Q, the mechanic, knew that it was my mom I was talking to, he was upset that she upset me. She's very critical of people, she talks about people behind their backs, and she talks down about everyone, which isn't right. She's been like this for most of my life, is this why I am the way I am?

A year or so ago I had people I could hang out with around here, there was Kim and even they seem to have better things to do then to even talk to me. Have I really become that bad of a person that no one even wants to talk to me? Even the friends I had back in high school don't even seem to want to associate with me much, unless it's on faceook.

Lately it feels like no matter what I do or say it's not good enough for anyone. I seem to upset people with everything I say or do. Maybe I have become a complete uncaring, cold, heartless asshole. Maybe that's why no one wants to even be around me. It even feels like Strider's distancing himself from me.

All I do is stay around the house with Bug, I don't go anywhere unless it's to go do the grocery shopping or pick up stuff we need. Am I really that horrible of a person that no one wants to be bothered with me? I guess I am. So, maybe it's time to cut everyone out. I can't even smile a real smile lately, things have been tougher then I can ever remember them being.

Back on September 27th by cousin Mark died in a car crash, then Strider's Jeep was totaled in an accident. DC was driving the Jeep when he was rear ended. To top it all off Strider nearly lost his fingers in an accident at work, thanks to the titamiun wedding band he didn't lose his fingers.

I've tried to be happy, but no matter what I do I can't seem to feel happy. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, I love Bug and Strider more then anything. I see how happy she is and wish that I could be that happy again. Even Strider doesn't seem to see that I'm spiraling, I need this to stop, I need to be appy again. I need to be me again...who ever I am, I don't even think I remember who I am, I think I lost her a long time ago with all the sadness and the betrayal of so many people.

Maybe I've just become the person that no one wants to even be around. I get glared at by people who don't even know me, I get talked about and treated like crap by most people I know.

Maybe it's time I talk to my doctor...but I hate medication, and I really dislike shrinks who think they know what's going on in your head. Am I unstable right now? Yes, I am. Do I have an idea of why? I most certainly do...menopause. I think that with everything else I have to handle, the house, the bills, family, the few friends I have...maybe, just maybe, menopause is the last straw for my mental stability. It could very well be the one thing that has set me off and has pushed me over the edge.

I dunno, I'll have to talk to my doctor...I just don't want another therapist that didn't understand, or tries to stem it all back to my childhood. Yes, my childhood was fucked up, who's wasn't? My mom was less then stable when I was growing up. She was an alchoholic, abusive mentally, emotionally and physically. My great aunts and grand parents were my one saving grace. But after they passed things got worse. But I survived, I made it through, it made me stronger, right?

Somedays I find myself yelling at Bug, making her cry. I hate myself for doing that to her, I really do. Granted, when she doesn't listen when I ask her to clean up her toys or something she does deserve some kind of punishment. But I'm so afraid of crossing the line, so I rarely spank her, even if she deserves it. So I resort to taking away privaleges and stuff. Am I a bad mom? Have I in some way failed my Bug? I dunno, sometimes I feel like I have. Just like there are times, a lot lately, that I feel like I've failed as a wife, that Strider might be better off with someone else, someone that makes him happier then I can.

I try to do all I can to make people happy, I really do. I try to be agreeable, but I'm sorry, I'm not going to roll over and belly up just because people think they're in deservence of my submission. Sorry, but I speak my mind, if I think you're being an asshole, I'll flat out tell you.

I try to give my family good food to eat, so I make everything home made. I make sure that we have fresh bread, cookies and a cake or pie to enjoy. The meals I make are fresh, healthy and very tastey. Yet somehow I feel like I'm letting them down.

Oh well, enough for now...

< /rant >

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Unnatural things...

Turducken.......really? Who thought this up? I mean, seriously, this is the most unnatural thing I have ever seen let alone heard of. A duck inside of a chicken inside of a turkey....yeah, okay, seriously, what did the duck do to deserve being shoved up into a chicken? And while we're at it, what did then chicken do to deserve being shoved up into a turkey? Am I the only one who finds this a bit disturbing? It's just unnatural, seriously, zombies are more natural then the turducken...well, to me they are. Does that make me completely insane? Probably.

Let's not even get me started on the turduckenoose...

Person who likes turducken- "We're having turducken for dinner"

Me- *blink blink* "I'm gonna go find a zombie now.....".

That's how it would go in my house, seriously, I'm not kidding you. Even my brother thinks it's unnatural, and dare I say, he's unnatural to begin with.

We all known that I'm a little bit off kilter, well, maybe a bit more then little.

< /rant >

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Ever since we had the damned security storm doors put in, which were supposedly the highest quality doors made and would never break, rust, yadda, yadda, yadda, we have had nothing but troubles with them! We had them installed back in 2006, five months later had to have them repairs. Six months after that repaired again, six months after that repaired again. Then again in 2009, and now I'm fighting to get them removed/replaced and have the money refunded. When you sell a product with a lifetime warranty and say that it's the highest quality, it had damned well better be what you're toting.

I had called the repair office yesterday and asked that the guy call me back, I was told he would by the end of the business day yesterday. Not a work from him. So I called my contact at corporate, let's see if she calls me back. If not, I guess I'll be left with one option. Email the local news and make a complete mockery of Sears and contact my attorney to get this settled. ::sighs:: And people wonder why I hate Sears.

And that was the beginning of my day.

My mom had called me to ask me to call 911 because she saw a car hit a bicyclist. Well, I told her that since she was right there to call it in herself. Well, she called me back after getting the plate umber and told me that the kid who was hit by the car asked her not to call the police because he's in the country illegally and he works at McDonald's. SERIOUSLY?! I would have called it in anyway. McDonald's is hiring illegals to work for them??? What the fuck?!

< /rant >

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Even more recalls

The amount of recalls for everything is insane. We won't use anything by McNeil Labs due to the sheer amount of recalls on the children's medications(Tylenol, Benadryl, Zyrtec, RiteAid brand of Tylenol, etc). I won't endanger my child like that ever. As for the canned food and prepackaged food, we use fresh and still watch the recalls lists to ensure that what I'm feeding my family is safe for them as well as healthy.

Call me weird, I don't care, but I insist on making sure I feed my family, that being my husband, daughter(s) and my animals, all of them, the safest most nutritious food I can. Not to mention the amount of recalls on products, not just food, but just about everything, coming in from China(toys, treats, food, clothing, etc).

So, yeah, there's my opinion and what I do about it to assure my family's health and safety.

To check the recalls that affect us all you can go here. To look up specific recalls you can go here.

< /rant >

I hate politics

What the hell is wrong with this world? With the state if the economy my daughters grandchildren will be paying it off, then again, there won't be any social security if anything at all.

Some people seem to think that having a woman in office would be good for the country. Personally I don't see how. Mrs Clinton, she who was running the country while her hubby was busy getting a blow-job in the oval office fucked us up big time. Some people seem to think that Mrs Clinton saved us economically, I'm not so sure about that. If her husband, Bill Clinton actually helped us, then great. But the rest of the monkeys we've had I office including the latest one have done nothing but fuck up our country more than the one before. I understand that the presidents are nothing more than a figure head. But what will it a take for this country to get it's shit together. We keep fighting this "war" that could have been ended a long time ago. Stop pussy footing around and nuke the sons of bitches. How many opportunity have we had to end this whole thing? Quite a few I'll bet.

And people wonder why I stay out of politics, I hate it, to me it's all one big fucking three ring circus.

This country is going to hell in a hand basket. All the illegals coming in are taking our jobs because they're cheap labor. I don't give a fuck, we're over crowded as it is, kick them the fuck out! Make border patrol stronger and get the job done. Fill in the tunnels they use to cross the border with concrete. Stop letting them come in.

< /rant >

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Is there a Navy Wide blacklist with the wives? If so, am I on it? Seriously! Ever since we lived on Earle it's been like this. They treat me like crap, talk behind my back. Are they insecure? If they are then they need to get over their insecurities and grow the fuck up! Is it because I speak my mind?

Let's go back to the beginning shall we? When Strider and I first got married he was on the Detroit, the Ombudsman and the wives treated my like shit, complete and utter shit. Why, you ask? Because they were in shitty marriages, I was thin, had a career and enjoyed my life, so they hated me. In Annapolis I was liked by the guys more than the wives, nothing out of the ordinary there for me. Here I've been treated like shit by the wives, even the ones from other commands. Seriously! There have been a few that claimed to be friends of mine and then they turn around and stab me in the back or just flat our ignore me.

At one of Strider's commands we had gone to a cookout at night. I was rather pregnant with bug at the time. The women all avoided me like the plague, the guys on the other hand, they all gathered around me to talk and be cool. I asked Strider why and he said it's because I'm a threat to them. When I asked him what he meant he motioned to my body. Okay, so yet again the whole thing about me being thin and in shape plays part in how I'm treated. Talk about fucked up.

Oh well, they'll get over it or they won't. I'm not going to change who I am just so I'll fit into their little groups and get to play in their reindeer games, sorry, I'm not a follower. I'm not the sheep, I'm the wolf that eats the sheep.

Let's talk about commands for a second here. What would you say if your husband came home and asked you what you thought about him deploying for a year then tells you that his current command has gotten him thinking things like that? Well, I would hate it, but then I look on the bright side. I do have two bathrooms and the computer room that need to be gutted and redone. We all remember what happened the last time Strider deployed...I redid the kitchen and dining room.

But a year?! I can dig my heels in and deal with it if I have to, even if I really don't like it. I'm not a wimpy Navy wife, I can handle shit that's thrown at me, for the most part. Hell, I want to know who I need to talk to to start bashing some heads in.

The choices he mentioned aren't all that comforting either, there's Afghanistan, Iraq or the Horn of Africa. Let's see....kidnapped by terrorists and tortured at the best and killed at the worst...or... kidnapped and tortured or killed by pirates...yeah...not very comforting at all, know what I mean?

< /rant >

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One of those nights

Why is it that when a day starts off good it has to get worse? I'm just wondering, does anyone else not understand this? This morning Bug was so happy and good. Strider had gotten up with her so I could get a little sleep. By five this evening she was having tantrums from hell. This has been going on for almost two weeks now, maybe more I've lost track.

I think she's getting frustrated with the fact that we've been trapped inside for the past several weeks. It's been way too damned hot to do anything, and by hot I mean in the 100's! So much for going to the beach, zoo or even hiking. I hope it cools off soon, then again, I really hope we get rain soon! The lawn is completely dried, dead, crunchy under the feet when you walk.

We need some cooler days and a lot of rain. In the past few years we've been seeing less and less rain here during the summer.

< /rant >

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Okay, so S is now saying that she's going to get rid of her dog. WTF? Seriously? That dog needs someone that can care for it and help it through the obvious mental instability it has. Because of how meek the dog is euthanasia may be the only option, I hate to say it. Personally the reason she gave about the boarding costs being too much because she travels too much is bullshit, take the dog with on the trips. If she claims to consider the dog "like a daughter" then she needs to treat it as such in my opinion. She claims to get a panic attack every time she even thinks about the shelter she had gotten the dog from. You can get mad at me for how I feel about this, I really don't care. It sickens me to see animals treated like their nothing more than objects or possessions.

She also told Echo that I don't talk to her anymore, you know what? I don't give a fuck. Seriously, the last few conversations I've had with her are all about her. You try to say anything about you or something other than her and her response is "oh". Ignorant fucking bitch, no wonder why people want nothing to do with you. As for the whole me not talking to her, she said she would call me and never did. When someone says they will call me I wait to see if they actually will. Not my fault if they don't. Plus I'm usually invisible on AIM or not even online because I'm busy going out and stuff with Bug during the week then doing the family thing on the weekends.

Sometimes I really hate the fact that we had to move down here to VA. I had friends up in NJ and in MD, here all I have is aggravation and idiots. I refuse to hang out with S for the simple fact that she's nuts and it's always all about her. Sorry, I refuse to cater to that.

We were supposed to get together with Mas but she never got back to me. So much for that, huh? And what about K you ask? Well, she bailed on me a while ago. T and R are too busy with work and such, not to mention that their boys are unruly as hell.

Widow...well, she's always busy with something or other so we haven't been able to get together yet.

Most of the mom's I've met since we've been here have all become completely self centered assholes.

Guess they just can't handle a woman who speaks her mind and doesn't take shit from anyone, not even them. Sure, I probably upset them when I call them on their own bullshit, but oh well, that's their problem, not mine.

The ones I get a long with don't live around here, total suckage. I mean, Mouse lives up in NJ, same with MJ. Kat lives up in Northern VA, Shadus lives out in CA, and Kuroshi lives out in....I forget where he lives, and Kayla is getting ready to move to Michigan. But the point is that I can't depend on anyone here to hang out with, no one that I can let my Bug be around, which is horrible. We used to go out places with people and then it all just stopped. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? It's fine though, if they'd rather not be around me for their own stupid reason, then so be it. I'm done with the idiots who think it's all about them and that I should bow to their whims. Not going to happen. If you can't deal with the way I am, don't even bother talking to me.

As for all those clones out there...get a fucking life. You try to be me for a time, then you latch on to someone else and change who you are each time you meet someone new and fascinating to you. I feel bad for people like that, I really do. How c an you go through life now knowing who you are? Does it really make you feel good about yourself to emulate others? Don;'t you have an original thought in your head? Pathetic.

Am I bitch? Yes I am, and I really don't care what people think. This is me, people, take it or leave it. Weak people can't handle the way I am, the strong ones love it and appreciate my bluntness.

Now I'm sitting here thinking that maybe the next place we live will be better. We'll see what happens.

I just came to the realization that I very well may have to have a the anatomy talk with Bug. She went into the bathroom that Strider was in and asked him "Why are you rubbing your but button?" I really don't want to know what she saw him doing, but damn.

< /rant >

Odds and ends...

Is it just me or has everyone and their brother started a cooking blog? Seriously. Maybe I should start one. Think I'd scare people? Hmm, I just might with the way I tend to tell it like it is. What would I even call it?

Before I forget! The other day I was out and about doing some running around. On the way to drop off my mom we nearly got side swiped by a white van, not just any white van but a PETA van! That just goes to prove that they are just as irresponsible behind the wheel of a vehicle as they are with animals. Let's not even get me started on PETA, you really don't want to go there with me. Of course, of you do, let me know and I'll gladly take you there.

And that brings me to cars. My Sante Fe started making this noise that sounded like a demonic cricket was under the hood, I shit you not. It was a loud chirping sound. So I took it in to Q and had him look at it. At first he thought it was the idler pulley, but after his specialist guy look and listen he found that it was in fact the power steering pump...oh...yay...another 400+$. He ordered the part, but they sent the wrong one, so now I get to wait another few days before I can get it fixed. I'll be dropping my car off on Friday, not sure if I'll get it back on Friday or Saturday, guess we'll find out. I also had Q price a few other things for me just in case, like the water pump (500$) and the fuel pump (479$). Considering my car has about 108k miles on it so far, I figured it would be better to be safe than sorry as far as knowing the cost of things that could go wrong.

< /rant >

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Kitchen what?

I'm a kitchen witch, also called a hearth witch, so what? You don't like it then go away.

I have nothing against Christians or Catholics, I have issues with people who are closed minded. They see my pentacle and instantly think I'm evil or that I sacrifice animals. Wow, talk about idiotic. I do not sacrifice animals, and I'm not evil. I just practice one of the oldest of magics there is. Hearth magic. I cook, create things in my kitchen with love. Nothing wrong with that. I've made the occasional potion for banishing nasty things like ill feelings or bad presences. I've made poppets and trinkets for people to keep them safe and help them in certain areas of their lives that they needed help in.

The Kitchen Witch's crede is pretty simple really.

In this pot, I stir to the sun
An' follow the rule of harming none.

Banishment of bane when goin' winddershins;
An' with water and salt negativity is cleansed.

Household duties are more than chores,
Magic abounds when mopping floors.

With this broom, I do sweep
To clean my house and safely keep.

Marigold, Basil, Thyme and Yarrow
My spell is cast for a better tomorrow.

Lemons for joy and apples for health,
The power within brings great wealth.

And, in this kitchen I do pray
To truly walk the Witches Way.

See, nothing evil there.

So, why all the hate?

< /rant >

Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Having A Toddler Is Like Being At A Prat Party*

This is from another blog, I loved it so much I had to put it here. ::laughing:: It's from Suburban Snapshots

Thursday, June 10, 2010

*That one frat party I've ever been to, having gone to a Very Serious Arts College.

10. There are half-full, brightly-colored plastic cups on the floor in every room. Three are in the bathtub.

9. There's always that one girl, bawling her eyes out in a corner.

8. It's best not to assume that the person closest to you has any control over their digestive function.

7. You sneak off to the bathroom knowing that as soon as you sit down, someone's going to start banging on the door.

6. Probably 80% of the stains on the furniture contain DNA.

5. You've got someone in your face at 3 a.m. looking for a drink.

4. There's definitely going to be a fight.

3. You're not sure whether anything you're doing is right, you just hope it won't get you arrested.

2. There are crumpled-up underpants everywhere.

1. You wake up wondering exactly how and when the person in bed with you got there.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Politics, unemployment, immigrants... & HSUS

Why is it that we can not get someone in office that will be brave? I swear, there were a few things that pissed me off about Bush Jr, but over all he knew what he was doing. He took a stand for our military, made sure they got good annual raises and when someone tried to start shit with our country he took charge and declared war. Sure, I wasn't keen on the whole rebuilt Iraq bullshit, but he did what was right for the time. At least he wasn't a pussy like Clinton was. Now we have word comes to mind...twit. Seriously, what the frakk is his malfunction? He's so concerned with how he looks on camera and other crap that he could care less about the country.

You want to know the reason for the unemployment rate in this country? Out sourcing, that's what. The stuff that we're so dependent on is no longer made here in the US. We used to be so self sufficient, what the frakk happened? I'll tell you what happened, companies wanted to save money so they went to China, India and other countries to get stuff made at a cheaper labor rate, which saves them billions of dollars, yet it makes the population and the economy suffer. Lovely, no? Now the US is just getting fat and lazy, it's sickening really. If we want to help with the unemployment rate, bring the jobs back to the US, stop taking them away!

You want lower prices for gas? Then stop going to Iraq for crude, seriously, we have so much hard crude in warehouses it's not even funny. And why do we have them in storage? Because no one wants a plant in their home town that can covert hard crude into petrol.

Don't even get me started on China. They've been sending us toys and stuff containing lead for who knows how long. Are they trying to kill us? What wold happen if we put a tariff on China? Oh, wait, we did that then the big companies who are saving billions and avoiding paying their taxes would suffer cause they'd have to hire US people to do the same job at a decent pay.

Border control...or lack there of. Every day who knows how many illegal immigrants come into this country, and it's not just from Mexico which is the one we're so worried about. Check the shipping containers coming over from China, bet you'll find human trafficking going on there.

We're one frakked up country, I'll say that much. Little by little we're losing our Constitutional rights.

The oil spill in the Gulf has been getting a lot of press lately, a lot of attention. Yet why are so many people ignoring it like it doesn't exist? What's the HSUS doing about it? There are a lot of unanswered questions about them in my mind. Here's a blurb I found that sums it up pretty damned well, I think.

HSUS and the Oil Spill…Silence

The title of their organization is the Humane Society of the United States.

They have told us how they have been off to Haiti saving dogs and other animals after
earthquakes did damage. (Although the small island is known to not have many, if any, dogs).

They told us how they went in and scooped up dogs and animals right after Katrina and saved them. But no one for the life of me can tell me where those animals were sent to and they cannot produce records of any actual rescues.

They show us close-up photos of dogs with sad eyes…in cages.

But they don’t bother to tell you that many of those photos were taken in vet’s offices in their holding pens of animals waiting to be operated on, or were being given medications, etc. Not really photos of animals being mistreated…that is why the photos are seldom "wide screen" and almost always close up of just a cage or two.

Funny how silent HSUS has been with the obvious catastrophe about to occur along America’s gulf coast shores…oil heading to areas that will kill millions of natural habitats and their animals.

HSUS, with their millions and millions of your donated dollars for rescue…has not made a single announcement regarding the gulf region and how they plan on helping the USDA and others try to save the area’s wildlife.

You know…a huge…."Humane" effort being required.

Oh, I forgot…HSUS just got through telling us that USDA was nothing more than a puppy mill itself.

Guess we are lucky to have HSUS on the watch for us. Although at this point they seem a bit like Mighty Mouse without the cape or the ability to fly. A bit more like Batman on a drunken weekend.

Now if we can just get HSUS off their dead butts and actually do something other than stealing peoples’ dogs and then selling them at local Pet stores.

But that would be logical and responsible.

Neither seems to be in HSUS’s operating plans.

Michael Costin and the staff of The Oklahoma Reporter

So yeah, you tell me....what do you think? Is this country going to hell in a hand basket or what?

< /rant >

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Apple iPad - my (re)view on it

Here's my experience with the Apple iPad ( From now on I'll call it Panel since iPad reminds me of a feminine product.). Be warned I don't hold my punches nor do I sugar coat it, so here we go.

Okay, so it looks great, seems so pretty in the store. And then you get it home. If you're like us and have Windows XP 64 bit, you're screwed unless you have a spare system or laptop with 32 bit windows. Sorry to be so blunt it's the truth. After nearly 3 hours of trying all the different work around, hacks and ideas running around the net Strider is reduced to loading up his laptop so we can get it to work.

Mind you, he even called Apple to see if they had any hints or ideas on what to do. You know what they told him? "Upgrade to Windows Vista 64 bit" Umm..what? Now that's funny, and I'm serious, Strider actually laughed out loud and said that's something you don't put in the same sentence "upgrade: and "Windows Vista".

So, anyway, he got his lap top connected to the wireless network we have here at the house so he can get iTunes and the mobile whosie-whatsit to work. And then came the fun of loading the books, photos and such, then to see just how customizable the Panel is.

Once we got everything moving along on the laptop it went smoothly, very smoothly. After transferring some of my pics onto the Panel I was able to set up my home screen and the lock screen. So far it seems really nice, I love how I can dim the screen when my eyes are especially sensitive to lights, which is a big plus in my book.

The books read really nicely as well. So far I'm pretty happy and impressed with the Panel. I can check my email, browse pictures, read a book, listen to music, browse the web, look at a map. So now when I need a recipe I can pull it up and have the Panel right there with me. The screen turns when you turn the Panel, as in full 360 degrees.

I like my new shiny.

< /rant >

Friday, June 11, 2010

Capri Sun... hoax or not?

Over the past two days two different Facebook pages have surfaced with claims of finding things, fleshy looking things, inside of the drink pouches for Capri Sun. Is this the first time something has been found in a Capri Sun pouch? No, it's not. A few years back a woman's kid was drinking a pouch of juice when the straw became clogged. Upon checking it out the woman found this gelatinous goo stuff.

The first one, to be honest, looked like a water logged mushroom. Supposedly the first one was confirmed by Kraft to be mold. Okay, I'll buy that. The pouch was punctured which meant air got into it, and since those things do sit on hot trucks for who knows how long during shipping, mold can grow.

The second thing looks like, I dunno what it looks like other than an urethra or some other fleshy item. To be honest, I think the second instance is faked for attention. The person who posted the second one saw how much attention the first poster was getting and decided to try to get some attention too.

I read the posts on Kraft's Facebook page and let me just say this, it has become a flame war. People are flaming the poster of the first set of pictures, making fun of them and so on. As for the second set of pictures, they're getting attention on other sites where they're being made fun of, big time.

I emailed Kraft Foods as a concerned parent, I'm sorry, but I want to know. If this is a hoax then it needs to be shut down as soon as possible. If it's real then they need to recall every one of the packs from the affected lots or from that particular factory. Not to mention that box from the first claim you can clearly see that it was made in China, or so the stamp on it stated.

Here's what I wrote to Kraft -

Hi, as a concerned parent I have to ask this question. In the past 2 days 2 pages have popped up on Facebook claiming that there have been things found in Capri Sun juice pouches. Are these claims real or are they a hoax? If they are hoaxes, please shut them down. If they're real then please recall all cases from the affected lots.

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Not sure if I'll even get an answer, but it's worth a shot, right?

What do you think? I'm curious as to what others think about this.

*UPDATE 6-14-2010 9:49pm EST*

I got a response from Kraft foods. Here's what they said.

Thank You for Contacting Us!

Hi Z,

Thank you for visiting http// and for your interest in Capri Sun.

The quality and safety of Kraft Foods products and Capri Sun are our very highest priority. Sometimes small leaks in the package may occur and because Capri Sun does not have preservatives, these leaks may lead to a quality issue but not a food safety one.

We recently received word from a consumer about an issue with a Capri Sun pouch. We understand that some people are concerned. Now that we've tested the material, we've confirmed it was mold. While unpleasant, it is not a safety issue. If this had been a safety issue, Kraft Foods certainly would have taken the necessary steps, including issuing a recall.

As a general food safety tip, please remember that because Capri Sun beverages don't have preservatives, a leaky pouch can cause the beverage to spoil and discarding it is the right action to take.

If you haven’t done so already, please add our site to your favorites and visit us again soon!

Kim McMiller
Associate Director, Consumer Relations


Since they had no mention of the second one what so ever, I'm going to have to say it's a hoax. The first one was plausible, the second one...not so much by the looks of what was found in the pouch.

So there you have it, my opinion and a little leg work to get to the bottom of things.

< /rant >

WTF is wrong with her?!

Just as I start to feel better from the other night with the bullshit from my mom she calls and does it to me all over again. How do I turn off the way she makes me feel? How do I stop letting it get to me? ::sighs:: She started talking down about Bug and I asked her why so she snapped at me and said "If I was talking down about her I'd call her an idiot." Seriously? I can't believe she said that!

She's starting to show a very poisonous personality which is detrimental to Bug and all of us around her. Why is she like this? Why does she have to treat people this way? She always talks down about people as though she's better then they are. She talks crap about family too. Which is bullshit.

Anytime we go out she talks crap about people she sees, be it how they dress, look or act. She says it loud enough for people to hear. I'm not talking things like "Look how she's dressed" or "How can she let her kids act that way?" I'm talking mean things that even I wouldn't say, and I tend to speak my mind A LOT. You want to know the sad thing? She's been like this most of her life, but it's getting progressively worse.

I'll admit, I can be pretty mean spirited too, but that's only after I've been pushed to that point by someone. ::sighs::

< /rant >

Life unbound

Ever feel completely invisible? I do, but only to certain people.

Ever have those friends who claim to give a damn then they turn out to be complete psychotics? Yup, got them too.

Ever feel like your life has spun out of control and you're barely hanging on? Yup, going through that too lately, the emotional roller coaster can stop now, I'm ready to get off and go back to my quasi normal life.

Ever feel like you want to just scream? ::raises hand:: That's me again, I'd love some primal scream therapy, but in my neighborhood the cops would show up, not a good idea.

Ever feel like you're being pulled in a thousand different directions? ::sighs: That would be me as well.

So, the ones I feel invisible to are the ones I enjoy talking to, their lives became busy yet they don't seem to have two seconds to respond to a text message. Hmm, okay, I must be strange then because I always take the time to respond even if it's a few hours later, I still respond. My friend Jay, that's what we'll call him, recently got engaged, I understand how hectic life can be, but he doesn't have the time to even answer a single text message? He said he felt like crap for ignoring his friends, so I talked to him about it. He hangs out with his friends that live near him, but he said he felt like he was ignoring me. Which, yeah, he was, and is. But it's okay. Friends grow apart, right? Not like I can stay on contact with him forever, no matter how much I enjoy his company and conversation. There are a lot of people that I've lost touch with over the years, but some of them seem to stand out more than others. There are some that it hurts to have fallen out of touch with them, and others that I could care less about. Okay, time to get out of this annoying funk. I have good friends that I can talk to, that I enjoy talking to. So what if these other people can't be bothered, right? I have my post-it-note girl, my Shadus, my Kuroshi, my girls, my Strider, my Bug...what more do I need?

I've been feeling pretty nostalgic lately, which for me can be a bad thing.

Sometimes I feel invisible. Don't we all? Lately Strider's been trying to help me through this. But there's not much he can do, not much anyone can do really. I've been feeling very out of sorts lately. I know a lot of it has to do with menopause, which is a bitch in and of itself. I don;t wish this on my worst enemy, but, just about every woman I know will go through this at some point in her life. I get confused far too easily, I forget things. As an example, I was standing in the kitchen cooking when Jake started to talk to me, I stopped doing the prep for dinner. Then I got confused as to what the hell I was doing. ::chuckles:: Talk about annoying. Some days I walk into a room and forget what I was doing. Yeah, annoying as all hell. The night sweats have come back full force, and the mood swings..up and down, up and down....annoying! I can't kick the crap out of this like I do every other stress in my life like depression. If I can't beat it what can I do? Live with it? GAH! I'm being pulled in a thousand directions at one, can I get a break now? I just want the ride to stop so I can take a breath and get my head together.

My wants...can you handle it?

Primal scream... where you let the beast within you scream out with all the built up rage and fury it has gathered over the years. Scream it out for the world to hear, scream it out in the most feral of voices.

Rough sex... yes even a good rutting is good for the soul, and the body sometimes. Clawing, biting, screaming, sweating, growling, groaning. Mmmm.

Run...just run. Go into the forest, a place so pure, so wild and Feel free, feel alive, feel the ground beneath your feet.

Barefoot...yes, barefoot. Stand in the grass barefoot, feel the pulse of the Earth beneath your feet. Breathe in, breathe out, feel Her all around you.

Talk to a rock...I know it sounds insane, but sometimes just talking gets it all out. Talk about the things you don't dare tell your mate or friends, tell it your darkest secrets, your darkest thoughts and desires. It'll listen and it won't walk away or ignore you or interrupt you.

No words

That's what I call therapy. That's what I call a way to focus and find your center again. We can all do it. At certain points of our lives we all feel like our skin's crawling, like there's something deep inside of us clawing to get out. How do you handle it?

I feel so much better now, hope you enjoy my crazy ranting and strange methods of therapy. Maybe I should put a disclaimer on here...warning you may find some things said here offensive or down right STRANGE! ::laughs::

< /rant >

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Am I really that bad of a person?

Seriously, am I?

Tonight started off bad. On the way to pick up my mom I ran over a bird. Talk about a bad start to a night, it popped under the front tire and I nearly cried. Then we pick up my mom...and things went down hill from there, and I mean seriously down hill.

Bug loves to sing to music in the car, but my mom can't go for more than two seconds without talking. So what does she do? She starts talking to Bug while she's singing. I mention something about it after the second song. She snapped at me then started treating Bug like shit. I'm talking it got so bad that Strider actually yelled, twice. No matter how calm and nice I tried to talk to my mom she kept getting angrier and more mean spirited. When we got the restaurant she gets in my face after Strider and Bug went inside. After that she snaps again inside and decides to call a cab then starts talking shit about me to the restaurant owner! What the frakk?

Am I really that bad of a person that I should be treated like this? What the hell made her treat Bug the way she did?

Despite the way she acted and everything I hope she got home safely, I really do. She is my mother after all and I can't exactly stop caring about her, no matter how pissed off at her I get.

I'm going to get my Bug to bed now, maybe I'll post more later. Right now I feel the like crawling into a hole in my backyard and not coming out for a long while.

< /rant >

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I need to get this out!

There's no excuse for parents not handing their kids. I've seen far too many times including today when some woman's daughter was spitting on people after taking a sip of her drink. The lady laughed and said "Kids will be kids"., you tell your kid to stop, take away the drink and be responsible. Is it really that hard? I mean seriously!

And then she goes on to tell me that her daughter ended up with a straw down her throat from running with one in her mouth then getting pushed by her younger sister. What the hell was she doing running with it in her mouth in the first place?! The woman shrugged as if she didn't give a damn! It was very obvious that she likes the IDEA of kids but not actually PARENTING them, and her mother was there and was the exact same way so I saw where she got it all from.

I've seen some crazy ass things parents do and all I can do is shake my head. We were at the Aquarium a few weeks ago, these parents were there with the kids and the son just pushes e to look at something without even an excuse me. He actually PUSHED ME! I said as loudly as I could "Excuse me?" His mother looked at me and glared, I swear it was as though she thought they rules the world and I should let her kid do what ever he wanted. Umm..hell no! I won't even let Bug get away with that!

I've seen kids acting out, screaming, yelling, running, breaking things in stores and the parents just ignore it as if it's not even happening. Where's the discipline? Oh, wait, they don't give a damn, that's why there is none! I will never understand the idiocy of some parents.

Her lovely eyes

Took Bug to see her eye doctor today. It went pretty well actually. He said that her eyes are doing rather well. No need to change her RX for her glasses, she's doing pretty good. Only bad thing is that now she's not seeing red nor is was she able to do the push the animal back down that popped up. I thin it has to do with the atropine drops in her left eye, he didn't mention it so I'm guessing it's nothing to be worried about. He wants to see Bug back in 3 months, so we'll see what happens then. And as usual, I will keep a journal of her vision, the things she does, sees and so on.

She even drew him a picture, which he totally adored. We even talked about activities for her, and he loves everything we've been doing as far as going places and letting her explore things.

Now that we're home it's time to get to cleaning up the house so we can have a clear day to go to the Aquarium later this week if Bug wants to, which I know she does.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

2010 World Oceans Day Celebration ~ Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center

This is something that is just awesome for the kids to do. It's all based on a Dr Seuss book One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. We're going to try to make it to this even I thing my Bug would absolutely love it.

2010 World Oceans Day Celebration ~ Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center

Monday, May 31, 2010

And let the drama begin...

This weekend has been wonderful. We spent Friday at home just hanging out, Saturday we went to the Aquarium and Sunday we went to the beach. Today we've been hanging around the house watching pirate movies, which Angie loves as much as we do.

We just finished dinner and are about to put in Cutthroat Island when Strider's mom the tone of his voice and what I can hear she's guilt tripping him because we rarely see her. Well, I'm sorry, we can't really afford the trips up there and we have invited her for holidays but she always bails on us. Ever since Strider's g-father died and his g-mother moved away his mom's been pretty strange. Oh the things I can tell you about her...but I digress.

So anyway, she guilt tripped him enough that now we have to find a weekend and drove up there for a day trip. It's a 4+ hour drive up there! Personally I think she has no right to guilt trip him what so ever. She lost custody of Strider and his brother when they were toddlers because of the living conditions and such. Strider had been shuffled from foster home to foster home, about 5 or so I think, and then all of a sudden she wants back in his life? This all started after he joined the Navy I think, the whole trying to get back into his life. I'm sorry, but she lost the right to guilt trip him a long time ago. Aside from that and the drinking, and the hording, and the losing her place to live due to the way she lived...she's not a bad person, a bit on the seriously messed up side psychologically but she's okay. It took her several years to even get us the presents and stuff for birthdays and x-mass for Bug. By the time we got the stuff it was all too small for Bug, I'm talking T sizes and infant toys.

When he was talking to her I could tell she struck a nerve or two by the way he talked. First he brought of the whole being sent up north thing then he basically crumpled. Which means she won. She griped about him not calling her....Strider never calls anyone! Why should she be any different? The only reason he calls me when he's away from home or when he's on his way home is because I'm his wife! So, now we need to find a weekend that we can go up there for a day trip. Not my idea of fun, like I really want to be on the road for 8+ hours?

So, now I have to paint on a smile and find a Saturday that we can drive up there.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Drag Me To Hell

Watched "Drag Me To Hell" last night...can I just say was funny. The FX were, well, typical Sam Raimi. When I say typical Sam Raimi I mean campy, weird and down right silly! Like when the old Gypsy woman shoves her arm down the girls throat, hilarious, not to mention so very over exaggerated like so many scenes in just about any Sam Raimi 'horror' flick! The gore was almost non-existent, but the slime, snot, mucus and gross spurts of stuff and over-exaggerated blood sprays were very present.

The way the "Lamia" threw the girl around reminded me a lot of other Sam Raimi flicks as well, especially Army of Darkness. And for those who do not know, Lamia was a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating daemon. While the word Lamia literally means large shark in Greek, Aristophanes claimed her name derived from the Greek word for gullet (λαιμός; laimos), referring to her habit of devouring children. You can read more about Lamia here - Lamia in Greek Mythology or here Lamia from Wikipedia

During several scenes I was actually expecting Ash to show up with his boom stick. As for then end sequence in the graveyard, the only thing that came to mind was Ash saying "Clatto Verata N... Necktie... Neckturn... Nick...el... It's an "N" word,it's definitely an "N" word! Clatto... Verata... N-coughs-"

Over all if it was a decent flick, good for B rated Raimi flick. So, if you want to laugh and see Raimi at his best since Army of Darkness, watch Drag Me To Hell.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Ever have one of those conversations where you wish the person would just shut the frakk up? I seem to have those kinds of conversations a lot lately with S, I mean, seriously, is it really all about you? Just shut the frakk up!

All she ever does is talk about herself, it's always blah, blah, blah, blah, you know? Maybe if she'd stop and listen to someone else for a second she'd notice that she's losing her friends. I'm about two seconds away from just turning my back on her and cutting my losses with her, which at this point is material as well as monetary.

She used to be a cool person, but then she started to change into who she said she wanted to be...that person is a snide, conniving, egotistical bitch that I do not want to be around, nor do I want her anywhere near me or mine.

I guess eventually she'll get the hint when the only friends she has left are her family and others like her. I can't let someone like that into my life, time to make it all go away.

She may enjoy ignoring the true joys in life and being a complete bitch, but eventually it'll all come back and bite her in the ass, especially when she needs something, no one will be there. Especially me, I will be as far away as possible when her life comes crashing down around her.

As for me, I'm enjoying life with my family, going on day trips and just plain having fun. To me, this is what life's all about, enjoying the time you have with the ones you love.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Back on Wednesday I started sniffling, sneezing and feeling miserable, didn't sleep that night either because of the sinus pressure, yay. yesterday I felt even worse, then last night I spiked a fever of 101.8, that was after taking Aleve.

I went to the doc's today and he said that it's bacterial sinusitis. So he gave me anti-biotic to take only if I feel worse in the morning or if the fever comes back. otherwise, he said that hiking this weekend would be good for me.

YAY!! I'm so looking forward to hiking this weekend.

Hmm, I wonder what we'll do next weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Save The Ta-Ta's Giveaway

We all have our things that we're all for. You all know how I am about breast cancer awareness and so on. I'm seriously all for it.

Save the ta-ta's is having a give away. I'm still waiting for my sticker BTW.

Anyway, here's what you do to get involved in the giveaway.

1. Leave a comment telling me where you would wear your TaTa’s shirt. Yes, creativity counts – each comment counts for one entry, but the BEST comment counts for 3 entries. (Comments will be judged by an independent panel – mainly comprised of myself, my husband and perhaps the UPS guy…only if I need a tie-breaker, of course)

2. Become a fan of Someone WIll Buy This on the FACEBOOK PAGE by clicking "LIKE" AND update your status with information about the giveaway and the link to my blog – (you know, the page you are on NOW). Make sure you tag Someone Will Buy This in your post, so I know you did it – you tag us by typing @someone – Facebook will take care of the rest. (2 entries total, 1 for becoming a “fan” and one for the post.)

3. Add a Someone Will Buy This button to your blog. Then, leave a comment with your blog address, or email me at with the blog address. (3 entries. Show that Linky Love! – button and code can be found on the bottom right of this page)

4. Write a post on your blog about the giveaway and include a link to my blog AND (5 Entries! Mostly because I love to see my name in print…)

5. Become a fan of Save the TaTa’s on Facebook! You can do that HERE. This equals 1 entry as well :)

Contest ends on May 21st 2010. Winner will be chosen AT RANDOM from the above entries. Different entries carry different weight, so you are in control of the number of entries you get!

You can read more about it here

Someone Will Buy This...: Save The Ta-Ta’s GiveAway!

And don't forget to add Save The Ta-Ta's on Facebook!

Save The Ta-Ta's On Facebook!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Warning, below is a rant that will most likely piss off some people. It will most likely make some people think I am angry with them when in fact I am not. It will most likely cause some hate and discontent amongst some people who read this. I'm not worried, if you are not adult enough to handle what is said in this rant then yu may as well lock yourself up in a closet and never see the light of day again, because you're not adult enough to handle the world. Consider yourself warned.

< RANT >
To all of you who can not be bothered to answer a single phone call or even a simple text message. Don't worry, I got the hint. You're obviously not worth my time or the effort of even trying to be friends with you.

I've done all I can to be nice and be a friend to you. I was there for you when you needed someone to talk to. I was there for you when you were far from home and needed a friend. I was there for you late at night when you needed to chat. I can't be there for you anymore because you severed the line.

What ever I did wrong to upset you, I'm sorry. What ever I said that made you turn away from me, I'm sorry. Correction, I'm not sorry. Because honestly, if it was something I said then you could have spoken up about it. You knew that I was strong and spoke my mind about everything and anything. So, to you I say this, I truly hope you're happy now. I will not longer be in your life, nor will I ever call you or even text you again. I will remove your number, address and even your chat service SN's just so there isn't even the tiniest bit of temptation on my part to contact you in hopes that you would be a friend and not the complete waist of time you have shown yourself to be.

To those who call me back, who return text messages. Those who have been there for me as much as I have been there for them, if not more in some cases. Thank you. You're the ones who I call my friends, my family. We are there for each other, even if I say something that you don't like and vise versa. You know me as well as I know you, and you know that what I've written here tonight is the truth. You know that I don't hide my feelings, I don't sugar coat my words, and I don't take shit from anyone.

To those who have tried to reconnect with me, I admire you for trying. But if you really want to reconnect with me, call me. Return an email or something. Don't just sit there, do something to make the reconnection happen, otherwise...stop faking.

Is this world really the piece of crap it seems to be or is it just me? People seem to be getting nastier by the day. People aren't raising their children with respect. When I was a kid you either respected your elders and others around you or you got your ass handed to. Now-a-days they get little to no discipline.

Tell me something, is it really that difficult to fix a road that has sink holes? Stop filling it in and actually do something about it. There are five sink holes on my street alone and they're all along the water mane. Does this happen everywhere or is it just this idiotic city called Portsmouth? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I've ranted about this damned city a few times already. But, seriously people, fix the damned potholes!

And this one is for the economy...why the fuck does everything have to be so damned expensive?! Seriously, when I was a kid, hell, when I was twenty, the price of gas was 99 cents a gallon! The price of everything is so damned high it's no wonder more and more people are filing for bankruptcy. Between the housing market sucking, which means we can't sell our house without taking a huge cut which will leave us owing money instead of breaking even, and the cost of living's become insane.

Gabe! Stop yowling into the corner, we all know you can yowl loudly! And Karma, must you really egg him on by doing it too? I can't concentrate on my ranting! GAH!

Okay, I think that's it for now.

< /RANT >

Now, a show of hands of all those who are offended or pissed off by this rant. Come on, raise your hands, his rant was bound to piss someone off, was it you?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Adventures in grocery shopping...

Some people really need to either not go out in public or learn some manners. Seriously.

I was in line at Farm Fresh and the woman ahead of me was having issues with her card as well as her check, so after about five or so minutes she apologizes to everyone and says she'll be back. Meanwhile, before the lady ahead of me excuses herself politely, the lady behind me walks up, puts her stuff in my cart...yup, she just waltzed up and put her crap in my cart! How rude! And her son's right there with their cart! I was like...WTF? But I let it go. Then she starts making comments about the lady ahead of me who was having issues. I'm talking seriously rude comments. Then the bitchy, rude woman storms off after slamming her hand into my The third woman who was behind her looks at me with a raised brow and shakes her head. I said to her "Patience is a virtue." To which she replied "Which she has none. And she put her stuff in your cart, why?" I just shrugged, which prompted her son to take the item out of my cart and put it into their own with a dirty look. Guess we can tell what kind of guy he'll turn out to be...just look at his mother. Anyway, after I check out I leave. As I'm turning to head the back way to get home, that woman is walking across the street. She actually walked out into traffic and held her hand out and yelled "You have to stop for me!" Yet

Sitting at the light to turn onto GW this young guy in a red Pony is trying to make a left turn onto the street I'm at, he's yelling and cursing at the on coming traffic so loudly that I could hear him, all because they wouldn't yield for him. Wow.

Makes me glad I'm home now. Which reminds me, Strider should hopefully be home soon. He had fallen asleep after he called me, dork. So...yeah...that was my adventure.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

updates and such

What's so hard about keeping your promise to get my car done on time? I'll tell you what the problem is, your damned mechanic is an ass. Seriously, you said you'd have my car done by 5pm yesterday, here it is 11am and still no word on my car.

About S - Make up your mind!

About K - I haven't heard from K in months, not since she left her husband and was having some issues with his family. I miss K, I really do.

About me - I'm walking the razor's edge of a break down. I don't know why I'm so easily pissed off these days, it could be because of the way things have been going, who the hell knows.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some people really amaze me with their inability to even say thank you. I mean, come on, how hard is it? Seriously!

I did some images for people, most of them said thank you and truly enjoyed them, then there are the people who couldn't even be bothered to say thank you. They didn't even say a damned word! If they didn't like them...say something!!! That way I can redo them.

Yes, they do take a lot of time to create, and no I'm NOT getting paid to do them. I did them for people to be NICE!

Maybe I should stop being nice.

And that brings me to another thing...

People scare me, they really do. If I had known the issues with S( That's what I'll call her) before I had allowed her to get close, I never would have let her get this close. She's threatened divorce more times that I care to count, stop threatening and just do it already, stop begging for attention with your actions! The person S is becoming is someone I DO NOT want to even be around. S has become snide, rude, mean...yet she says she's becoming who she wants to be...yeah, okay, not going to be around her anymore. S complains about her kid all the time, about how her kid does this and that, gets hurt and so on...then PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR KID!!! Get off the fucking computer and pay attention to him!! Yes, I sit at my computer some times, like now, but I ALWAYS pay attention to my Bug. I do my images and play around and look stuff up AFTER she goes to bed, unless I need a recipe for dinner.

I'm going away now before I really get pissed...time to go get dinner in the oven and finish some things around the house...

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Let's break the rules

I'm not sure which is worse, the horror that is now our world or the blatant lies the news casters tell. And yes, they lie around here to placate people and keep them calm.

They do lie, they do it all the time, even our government lies to us. They say things are false or untrue, that is a lie, even a half truth is a lie. When a school shooting happened here a few days ago they lied about the gun and said it was a toy gun. BS, I talked to a few moms who's kids went to the school...the gun was real, bullets had been fired. You tell me, is it right for the news to lie to us? Or would you rather be just another sheep grazing on the BS they feed us and waiting for them to tell you when to go BAAH? Sorry, I'd rather be the one who strays from the herd and thinks for herself.

I'm not just talking about the news here, I'm talking about everything. Think about it. They tell you how to dress, what to eat, how much to eat, what to say, what to think, how to feel. Is that right to you? I refuse to follow the leader and be like everyone else. Why should be obey the rules? Seriously, do you want to be told what to do, what to wear, eat, say, when to sleep or when to say BAAHH? If you do then walk away from me right now because you won't like me when I stand up and start yelling that I have rights and that I'm free to speak my mind.

I think I'm done ranting for now. Feel free to add your two cents, come on, let's discuss this, don't be afraid, voice your opinion.

Monday, May 03, 2010

McNeil drug company - can we trust them?

I just emailed them as a concerned parent. Wouldn't you be too? I mean look at their track record...four months...four recalls...all for the same if not similar reasons. What would you do? Personally, I emailed them, and here's what I had to say.

As a parent I am concerned about all the recalls your company has had in the past 4 months. Can we, as parents, trust the products that your company makes any more? How can we safely try to break a fever, reduce allergies or even tend to a cough without the risk of either a too high a dose, or a contaminant in the medications? Again, as a parent I ask you this, how can I trust this company when this has happened four times in four months?

Feel free to send this message on to them, we need to get the point across to these drug manufacturers that we as parents give a shit about our children and are sick and tired of their bullshit and their continuous screw ups.

*steps off her soap box*

Monday, April 12, 2010

Let's add insult to inury, shall we?

Okay, so a few weeks ago I bashed up my toes to the point of being put in a foot immobilizer, not so bad really, I heal quickly so it was about a week of that.

Menopause has been kicking my ass something fierce. The hot flashes and night sweats have mostly gone away, I've been gaining weight which is awesome in my book. You want to know the best part? My boobs grew! * does the happy jiggly boob dance* What? You think I'm insane? Well, I'm not, you see, I've always been the thorn in the boob fairies side because I've always wanted bigger boobs. They didn't even blossom until I was eighteen or nineteen, which sucked for high school. They've always been small, like A small. Now they're a nice curvaceous B! So, yeah, I'm happy about that. Just like I'm happy about gaining weight. Yet again, I know you think I'm crazy. Imagine being a size 00 all your life. Sucks, doesn't it? Now, thanks to menopause, I'm a size 1!

This brings us to this past week. Bug's not doing the patch therapy anymore, now it's the drop therapy. So three days a week, consecutive days mind you, I have to put a drop of Atropine into her left eye. Yeah, you heard me right, Atropine, the stuff derived from Belladonna, jimsonweed, mandrake root and other solanaceae plants. It was horrible at first, she screamed so loudly while Strider and I held her down to put the drop in on Saturday morning. Yesterday was a bit easier and today was a breeze.

Yesterday while Strider was working on the trim in our bedroom and part of the hall I was outside doing gardening with Bug. I rolled my left ankle, yup, you heard right, the same foot I bashed the toes up on I rolled. And now we're to the insult to injury part of all of this. Last night in the shower I slipped and rolled my ankle AGAIN! I was barely able to move it last night without it hurting to the point of tears, thankfully today it doesn't hurt so much.

That's enough for now, I'll update when I get back fro my doctor's appointment.

Have fun!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I'm not even sure what to do anymore. Bug's lost her mind. I mean seriously. What the hell happened to the good little girl I had a year and a half ago? She refuses to pick up her toys, fights me on everything, challenges every word I say.

Last night it was a fight to even get her to go to bed. She screamed and carried on for a good hour. Not to mention that she still refuses to let go of the damned nuk!!

I'm at my wits end with all the screaming, yelling, tantrums and refusing to listen.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Playing catch up...

Okay, so I haven't posted in here in a while. So what? You gonna hold it against me? Hmm, now that I think of it, I wouldn't mind having some things held against me. *wink*

Anyway...back on topic here. I've been MIA for a while, as you can tell. Things kinda blew up big time.

Strider came home from Iraq, all was good, sort of. bug was afraid of him at first but she settled into daddy being home again, which was good.

Strider's grandfather passed away, no big loss there for me, he was a complete asshole anyway.

We had to put our dog to sleep, poor guy was suffering too much with his seizures and hip displaysia.

Bug burned her hand pretty badly on hot coffee. Poor kid screamed for what felt like hours, it broke my heart. Thankfully it was only a first degree burn/scald.

Hmm, what else....oh yeah! We got rid of all the carpeting, except the carpeting in the computer room. We put down bamboo flooring, we did it ourselves. So very proud of ourselves for that. Now if I can only get a good weekend so we can finish them! Grrr!

Strider and I have been married for over 12 years now. Woohoo!

I started menopause...whole other topic there, trust me, you really don't want to miss it. *rolls eyes*

I think that's about it. I may be mistaken since my memory has been pretty iffy lately at best.

Snow in VA

I miss snow, I really do. but here in VA I swear, the people are idiots, complete and total idiots.

It snowed here on Saturday, did I see a single plow? Nope, not a one. Sunday rolls around...nope, still no plows, all the roads were still snow covered. Even the main roads! I mean, come on people, is it really that hard to plow a frakking road? Oh, wait, that's right, you all spent your winter storm allotment on useless BULLSHIT! And now you can't do what you say you do on your own website.

And this is a direct quote from their site.

Snow removal

Snow removal plays an important role in the winter duties for the Shop. In September of every year, the Shops starts readying the City snow equipment to be in good working condition for our unpredictable weather in Portsmouth. Shop crews coordinate the Public Works snow detail and provide annual updates to the City of Portsmouth Snow Manual.

At the first sign of news that snow and ice are on the way, Public Works employees are ready to spread salt and sand and plow roads. Crews work in 12 hour shifts. Bridges and overpasses are addressed first. Next, crews proceed to the main arteries of the City. As the weather clears, crews move onto the secondary streets.

Each truck has a snow route map to follow, and each area has a supervisor that examines the area for heavy buildups of snow and ice. The supervisor will dispatch a truck to such an area when encountered. The Police Department provides additional assistance in reporting these areas.

In severe weather, unless there is an emergency please stay off the roads and show our driver courtesy. Residents should understand that snow removal is a public safety initiative. It is not intended to provide convenient road conditions for everyone to travel everywhere within the City of Portsmouth.

What the hell are they doing? Sitting around with their thumbs up their asses? Getting drunk and frakking their cousins? I mean come on! If this was NJ,. far too many people would have been out of jobs. And here's the kicker...the Governor knew they had no money for snow removal, due to spending the allowance on bullshit they didn;'t need, that he declared a state of emergency BEFORE the storm hit!

Yup, I'm a very pissed up pup right about now. *huffs*